Back Victa Model 67

Victa Model 67

Well known for its two-seat Victa Air Tourer fixed-wing trainer, Victa's aviation division designed a small two-seat gyroplane, the Model 67. The prototype, which was designed by John Blackler, was registered VH-MVB and flew in May 1962. It was a neat machine with a tricycle undercarriage, twin-fin tail unit and a two-blade main rotor with a pusher propeller driven by a 180hp Lycoming engine. The prototype logged 150 flights and 20 hours of test flying time, but was abandoned due to financial constraints.

R.Simpson "Airlife's Helicopter and Rotorcraft", 1998

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The Victa 67 was an Australian two-seater utility autogyro first flown in 1962, but never produced commercially due to financial problems at the company. The Victa 67 was powered by a Lycoming O-320-A four-cylinder horizontally-opposed air-cooled engine providing a top speed of 153km/h.

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