Back Sznycer SG-VI-D

Sznycer SG-VI-D

Bernard W. Sznycer, a former engineer with Pitcairn, developed the three-seat SG-VI-D helicopter in Canada in the mid-1940s. He was assisted by Selma Gottlieb and supported by Engineering Products of Canada Ltd (CanAmerican). The sole prototype, CF-FGG-X, flew on 9 July 1947, and gained its Canadian type certificate in February 1951. It had an enclosed cabin and open tubular tailboom and was powered by a 178hp Franklin GA-4-165-BGF engine positioned horizontally above the tailboom. This drove a four-blade main rotor with a complex control system. It was subsequently upgraded to become the SG-VI-E with a 200hp Franklin 6A4-200-C6 engine.

R.Simpson "Airlife's Helicopter and Rotorcraft", 1998

Sznycer SG-VI-D

Sznycer SG-VI-D

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