Mein Vater had dieses Flugzeug geflogen. Mein Vater (Michael Walter Nickl)war einiger der wenigsten die dieses Flugzeug landen konnten.
Herr Nickl hat fuer Messerschmidt gearbeited und hat alle diese WWII flugzeuge geflogen.
Fardad Izadi, e-mail, 20.06.2015 10:09
The base of technology of the modern heavy weight cargo aircraft design.
FUCKFART, 16.12.2012 06:30
1 surviveor ....your mom
gooda, 20.06.2011 09:48
swung in on the other two with disasterous results of all four aircraft plumiting to earth with no survivors. Clarification would be appreciated..
Jonathan Chizever, e-mail, 29.10.2010 22:24
Either three Heinkel 111 or one Heinkel 111 Zwilling(two merged together).
Peter, e-mail, 01.03.2008 13:16
This Messershmitt Me-323 is one of most famous aircraft of Vily Messershmutt
BRI'AN, e-mail, 24.10.2007 05:57
Colonel Cool, e-mail, 08.08.2007 07:07
I'm afraid the accident in mention was not caused by a Bf 110 engine failure as Mr Lloyd suggests. According to David Monday: "Axis Aircraft of World War II", Temple Press 1984, - the worst of "a number of accidents..." (quote:) "...occurred during trials with 120 troops on board, when the booster rockets beneath one wing of the glider failed to ignite; the Me 321 swerved, causing the three Bf 110s to collide and the whole group to crash with the loss of 129 lives." (unquote)
Tim, e-mail, 08.08.2007 04:05
Yes, this horrific crash did occur.
Mr A.J.Lloyd, e-mail, 30.03.2007 09:01
Whenever I see or read anything related to this incredible feat, an aeronautical phenomenon. I reflect on somthing I once read or was told of a tradgic event which befell one of the glider versions during WWII. I may be wrong but my memory is that during sustained flight, in towe with three 110s, one 110 had engine failure, swung in on the other two with disasterous results of all four aircraft plumiting to earth with no survivors. Clarification would be appreciated..
dennis denton, e-mail, 10.11.2006 15:56
when used as a glider what plane was used to tow it?
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