I concur Thomas. The concept was shown to be wrong-headed right from the start. During the Battle of Britain German Heinkel, Junkers and Dornier bombers were sent either without escort or short term escort by Bf.109's which had short legs. As soon as the Messerschmitt's were gone these aircraft were mauled by Spitfires and Hurricanes. A lesson not learned, since two years later American and British heavy bombers even with the heavier armament were shot down in droves by the defending German fighters.
thomas, e-mail, 19.06.2020 21:40
Japanese designed philosophy was to maximize striking range so weight (space) was given to fuel capacity.
On shorter range missions or one way missions, less fuel, less crew and armament weight allowed most Japanese planes to carry more bomb load. (roughly double to triple) Few made it to target.
thomas, e-mail, 19.06.2020 21:34
No unescorted bomber stood up to interceptors, from any nation.
Barry, 17.06.2013 16:27
The Japanese called this a "heavy" bomber, by western standards it would be just about a medium bomber. The concept was for a fast heavily armed, armoured bomber which could reach targets without escort. Hopelessly under powered it failed in it's "raison d'etre" and fell easy prey to Allied fighters. So overall not a great success.
Hiroyuki Takeuchi, e-mail, 23.03.2012 09:38
Undoubtedly, the aircraft outperformed the Ki21, but not to the extent that it improved the survivability of the bomber against full on attacks by enemy fighters. On the other hand, the Ki49 were harder to fly and engines were less reliable, causing more non-combat losses.
So as far as the bomber crews were concerned, they could expect longer lives on a Ki21 because there was less chance of accidents and if they were met by a formation of P-47s they were going to get shot down regardless of whether they were on a 21 or a 49.
lucy, 21.06.2011 05:23
Did japan ever have a significant number of bombers carrying more than 1 ton.
Feyd, e-mail, 23.04.2009 16:44
Have heard mixed reviews about this one. Some sources say it was a mediocre aircraft surpassed in some ways by the Ki-21 it was designed to replace. Is this actually true? The performance specs seem to say otherwise. Light bomb load, though. Did japan ever have a significant number of bombers carrying more than 1 ton?
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