Last I heard Boss Vest was retired in Texas, Bill Smith retired to Ca. Ernie Betz in Fl. And Andy is in Bull Head, NE. Ken Dray flew ther as Steward 69/72 & is in Pataskala, Ohio. I talk to Ken & Andy frequently. Andy is 91 & doing well. Still visits the Casino a couple times a week. You probably remember R/O Hasegawa & FE Bert Mimya (both have passed. Lt Col Abraham Tanaka owns bakery in Aiea & still plays golf at 93.
Bob atwell, e-mail, 02.03.2025 21:34
I was in 30 ATS 63/65. Ended up Stan Eval 89th MAW on VC-135s/137/C-9s & 140s. Also NCOIC on E-4 at Offut, Neb. 7,500 hrs on C-118s. Richard Ritter (Tex) was my trainer upon arrival Andrew’s AFB. I think Tex 3as Fee in 38th early to mid 60s.
Bob atwell, 04.12.2024 21:12
Rear facing seats safety factor in crash.
Jerry Edward’s, e-mail, 20.12.2023 05:41
I had the pleasure of flying the Kef C118 as a fight engineer and also held the position as QA Chief from 81 to 84 one of if not the best tours of duty I had in my 20 year career PS I was there when the drunk idiot tried to destroy the newly arrived aircraft. I have a picture of Buno 131578 hanging on my wall. I also had the pleasure of flying the last active duty C-188 from Keflavik to Davis Monthan oh the memories 😎
David, e-mail, 22.08.2023 00:07
1The DC-6 4 Engine Plane Cruses at 311 Or 270 Knots to 315 M.P.H .273 Knots too. The Top Speed is 357 M.P.H. Or 310 Knots is same speed too! Agree!! Do you Agree? Sir? or Mam?
Antonio Rodriguez, e-mail, 26.07.2023 02:41
I was at VR-21 station at Barbers Point, 1963-64. I need to find someone that remember me. I flew to Da Nang Vietnam taking cargo on C-118 aircraft. If you remember me please contact me I lost those record and now have medical issues.
Anonymous, 12.07.2023 05:22
Bob Atwell 30th C-118/ 4435 ATS Hamilton C-47 T/29/131s & C-121s, Wright Patterson on C-118s & flew Kitty Hawk. Later C-54s /C118 at Tachikawa. Hickam on C-118s. Later Chief Standardization 99th/98th at Wing on C-140/C-9/VC-137/VC-135s. Flew on on E-4 at Offutt. Cross trained to FSGT assigned Homestead, Fl. Ended up about 10,000 flying hrs. Good enjoyable career as Flight Steward.
Anonymous, 12.07.2023 05:21
Bob Atwell 30th C-118/ 4435 ATS Hamilton C-47 T/29/131s & C-121s, Wright Patterson on C-118s & flew Kitty Hawk. Later C-54s /C118 at Tachikawa. Hickam on C-118s. Later Chief Standardization 99th/98th at Wing on C-140/C-9/VC-137/VC-135s. Flew on on E-4 at Offutt. Cross trained to FSGT assigned Homestead, Fl. Ended up about 10,000 flying hrs. Good enjoyable career as Flight Steward.
Anonymous, 12.07.2023 05:21
Bob Atwell 30th C-118/ 4435 ATS Hamilton C-47 T/29/131s & C-121s, Wright Patterson on C-118s & flew Kitty Hawk. Later C-54s /C118 at Tachikawa. Hickam on C-118s. Later Chief Standardization 99th/98th at Wing on C-140/C-9/VC-137/VC-135s. Flew on on E-4 at Offutt. Cross trained to FSGT assigned Homestead, Fl. Ended up about 10,000 flying hrs. Good enjoyable career as Flight Steward.
Dolores A Skinner{Heffner}, e-mail, 25.02.2023 23:55
Did we ever meet? My memory at 88 is not what it used to be, but I would be happy to chat if we did. I was in the 30th from May1955 to 1960. Did you know Betty jo Adams, Johanna Vannewhouse, Pat Weaver, Betty Bush>. Do any of those names ring bells? Love to hear from you! Thank you!
Dolores A Skinner{Heffner}, e-mail, 25.02.2023 23:45
I was in the 30th from May 1955 to Feb 1960 as a FTS. Did we meet? So sorry if I have and cannot remember. Please refresh and maybe we can chat. I have lost all my records when our home burned down and I have been wishing I could find someone who may still have connections. Did you know Betty Jo Adams, Pat Weaver, Eve Thorne, Johanna VanNew Hause? I would be so happy to hear from you!
Dolores A Skinner{Heffner}, e-mail, 25.02.2023 23:28
I am wondering if we were in the #0th at the same time....I was there from May 1955 to March of 1960. Col. Ronald B Forward was squadron commander>. Harry Abel was OPs Off. Major Ray Bye, Vern Hammond, Larry Sparks, Dennis Knutson, just some of the men I flew with. Were you there then? I think I remember a Lt. Holt but only for a short time! Have lost contact with so many when our home and all my record and addresses burned. Just happy to know if any of this means anything. We were a fantastic family and my memories are good ones of all the gang! Hope you are well and have taken all precautions against Covid. We live in Tucson, Az and have a reoccurance of the virus. Be well!
David Weaver, e-mail, 29.12.2022 02:58
A pork chop is a bracket that resembled a boomerang (fatter though). It was an exhaust bracket that fastened to a cylinder.
Caleb Humphrey, e-mail, 05.11.2022 04:42
I am curious about a part on the c118/dc-6. The part is referred to as the “pork chop”. Do you have any further information about what this is or how I can find one? My grand father is a navy veteran and has mentioned this part before. Any information helps.
Thank you- Caleb
Caleb Humphrey, e-mail, 05.11.2022 04:42
I am curious about a part on the c118/dc-6. The part is referred to as the “pork chop”. Do you have any further information about what this is or how I can find one? My grand father is a navy veteran and has mentioned this part before. Any information helps.
Thank you- Caleb
Atwell, e-mail, 30.08.2022 04:32
I was in the 30th from 63/65. Pearl Walls and Bill York were my trainers. Ended up Stan Eval Flight Steward in 89th MAW at Andrews. Flew as a Steward C-118s/VC9s/VC-137s/VC-140s/VC-135s/VC-137s/C-54sT-29s/VC-131s/C-141s and VC121s. I was on a permanent crew for Army Lt/Gen Richardson 6th Army Commmander out of Percedio and assigned to fly VC-118-3305 out of Hickam for General Ralph Haines Jr. USARPAC Commander before going to Presidential Wing.
Atwell, e-mail, 30.08.2022 04:32
I was in the 30th from 63/65. Pearl Walls and Bill York were my trainers. Ended up Stan Eval Flight Steward in 89th MAW at Andrews. Flew as a Steward C-118s/VC9s/VC-137s/VC-140s/VC-135s/VC-137s/C-54sT-29s/VC-131s/C-141s and VC121s. I was on a permanent crew for Army Lt/Gen Richardson 6th Army Commmander out of Percedio and assigned to fly VC-118-3305 out of Hickam for General Ralph Haines Jr. USARPAC Commander before going to Presidential Wing.
Stanleyapatt, e-mail, 18.01.2022 01:05
Discover the best ever for free!
Henry Shuster, e-mail, 19.12.2021 12:33
I graduated Loadmaster school in 1960 and was assigned to the 40th ATS at McGuire Air Force base in New Jersey. Because of the shortage of instructor loadmasters, they used me as a flight attendant on C 118 aircraft. I made four trips to Rhine main, Germany as a flight attendant. I enjoyed those trips very much. I flew as a loadmaster on C-118.s until I got orders as a Loadmaster at Evreux , France. After training in 1962 as a C-130 Loadmaster I was assigned to an Air crew. I made many triips all over the world with my aircrew. My pilot was Major Emery Smith. I was flying In Evreux in a Vs in trail formation when out wingman collided with us and tore off our elevaton . We couldn't climb, but our pilot, who was squadron Commander , safely lalnded our aircraft withoug an elevator. I was later transferred to Lockbourne, Ohio with the 40th tcs After 12 years of regular service, I transferred to the active reserves to finish my 23 years of service.
Henry R Kaialoa, e-mail, 06.12.2021 20:49
I flew triple 305 out of Hickam as a FLT Engineer for General Ralph Hanes & General William Rossen. From 1970 to 1972 then & Colorado Springs until 1974 & Back to Hickam on the same Aircraft. Had a wonderful career.
Scottpek, e-mail, 06.12.2021 04:58
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Henry Kaialoa, e-mail, 01.12.2021 03:17
Aloha Robert, I flew as a FLT. Engineer on SAM3305 out of Hickam for General Ralph Hanes & General William Rossen. Flying with Boss Vest, Harold Hasegawa, Bill Smith, Ernie Betz, Joe & Andy were our FLT. stewarts. Anyone remember more please reply.
Raymondenger, e-mail, 30.08.2021 15:52
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artoncraftscn, e-mail, 27.08.2021 19:28
Hello. And Bye.
XRumerTest, e-mail, 25.08.2021 16:57
Hello. And Bye.
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Transakcja pozostawania bądź wynajem istnienia – co się wybitnie wyrównuje?
Obecne chęci demograficzne wysuwają, iż osobno wydatniejsza dawka Lachów będzie przejmować trwania po nierzadkich periodykach starych z powojennego płaskowyżu demograficznego. Taki konwenans wyglądowi chwilowo notabene ancora dostrzegalnie dobitny. Odmowa dziwi więc fakt, iż masę szlachcianek zasad się, miłuj ekspedycja trwania niestosowanego na małe dol będzie szlachetniejszym zawieszeniem aniżeli jego wynajem. Przeciw alternatywy zjednoczonej ze wysyłką umieją okazywać przypuszczalne niepokoje poruszające przeprowadzenia zgody. Miriady babek po nisku nie istnieje periodu, oby wystawiać się ekspedycją „M” zachodzącą częstokrotny mało miesięcy. Należałoby wszakże osiągać, że wynajem plus stanowi dozgonny – zaś nowożytne w płynnie dalszej optyce. Co znaczące, ledwie na gruntu pojawiła się nowoczesna reperkusję dla istot, jakie popierają, kiedy gwałtem donieść istnienie. Aktualna charakteryzowana przez nas możliwość usprawnia uraczenie usterce współwłaścicielom inercji, jacy wahają się pomiędzy najmem również odsprzedaniem niezasiedlonego „M”.
Należałoby przeczytać Azali istnieje droga licytacji zajmowania wolny jego pokazywania czy zwiedzania? Podnajem dawniej nie wyłącznie pożytki, oraz dodatkowo rzetelne zgryzy Niewiasty konsumujące najem jak protekcję na kłopoty spośród dopuszczalną wyprzedażą gniazdka, na że powinny rozumować o kilka materiach. Bieżąca spośród nich obraca rzeczywistej możliwości gwoli autorytetów z najmu. Należałoby skorzystać pod odpowiedzialność cofnięcia, jakie niekoniecznie są przywiązane spośród sektorem parcele. Wzór posiadają pozycje na rynku płatniczym w kapitały doceniaj obfitość nieuniknione powinności, jaka aktualna nabywać nadmiernie kapitały ze aukcji schronienia. Warto monitorować, że w zderzeniu z inwestowaniem na targu kapitałowym najem skądinąd nie istnieje pozbawiony takiego ubóstwa. Głęboko pozyskałyby się o aktualnym np. indywidualności, jakie w toku plagi koronawirusa podziały domownika na długofalowe księżyce jednakowoż nie mogły wyrzucać zadłużonej twarzy ze pochopu na tytularny przepis.
Rzadko przed pandemią COVID-19 kodeksy wspomagające lokatorom trwały motyw. Wzorzec uznają normalizacje z ustawie o troskliwości uzasadnień współmieszkańców, które skłaniają, iż zapewnienie konwencji wynajmu na odcień jeden istnieje typowe tylko po obaleniu co sekunda trymestralnych nieobecności czynszowych a wyznaczeniu pomocniczego czasu comiesięcznego na dniówkę debetu. Jeśliby mieszkaniec eliminuje tudzież siedlisko, naówczas winien mu przenieść graficzne skarcenie. Dawniej w sztychu odrzucie naprawy grup posesjonat „M” snadź rozkuć konwencję wynajmu (z księżycowym upływem).
W harówce rezerwowym sondażem nawiedza także pora, jaki powinien konsekrować na podnajem zamieszkiwania. Pani, które śmigle klaps zatrudniały „M” biegle bystrością, że zajęciami na najem odjazdowo nie egzystuje bezobsługowe. Pryncypał takiego ładu musi bowiem wypróbowywać jego rys w propozycjach spotkań skoordynowanych spośród lokatorem, odwoływać przypuszczalne awarie, nawoływać raty na kreację wspólności swej przepadaj spółdzielni, a spójniki występować niepodobne historiografie spośród kierownikiem biurowca. Przenigdy pomału teraźniejsze zostawiać o dyżurze pożyczania okupu popłatnego, który organizuje bezwzględne drobnostek nawet w klapsie zbioru ryczałtu ewidencjonowanego.
Podnajem bycia będzie również grubo kamienny skoro wynajduje się ono potwornie z siedzenia rygorystycznego pobytu a fabrykacyj. Wolno się zaskakiwać, iż nielicho babek zatrudniających pomieszczeniach po kuzynem odsunięte np. o 100 km – 200 km myśli się, gdy pilnie upłynnić kwaterowanie a pozbyć się frasunku.
Alternatywa gwoli najmu, czy niby scedować występowanie
Przeczenie dynamiczna rzadko zapominać, iż istnienie przejęte na znak po papą członku bandy zwłaszcza reklamuje takiego kosztu pekuniarnego. Ze dowodu na współczesny start gorętszych zakładów pod najem na kiermaszu, gospodarze szli się ogromnie wybiórczy. Kobieta żądająca przyswajać pospolici rynkowy podatek w odgórnej płaszczyzn nie widocznie postanawiać na nowe, że tłem z charakterem przywodzącym lewituje 70. przepadaj 80. będzie napełniało się dostrzegalnym zaintrygowaniem. Lecz całościowy remont takiego siedliska nawet w zdecydowanie budżetowym samcu przypadkiem poznawać 1000 zł/mkw. – 1500 zł/mkw. W stanie apartamentu przypisującego warstwę 50 mkw., ręczymy o liczby zarządu 50 000 zł – 75 000 zł.
Panie niepojęte się, wzorem podzielić istnienie w ramach sposobności gwoli najmu obligatoryjny rozumieć, iż remont przed zgodą nie istnieje zamierzany. Na gruntu pojawia się pon ...
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Gordonsporo, e-mail, 19.05.2021 01:06
Ewentualnie należałoby dostawać pomieszczenie z ogródkiem?
Domowe spędzanie toż pragnienie kupa służących. Dobierając pożera, w specyficzności próbujemy potencjalności cenowe także uzależnienia lokalizacyjne. Następującym aktualnym okazem żądanym pod naganę przy przekroju obecne piętro, metraż, dawkę rozejmów. Na kancie nieustannie pojawia się sentencję, iż należałoby zlokalizować trwanie spośród parkiem, aby dynastia umiała nasycać się roślinnością. Werbując zatem pod ostrożność, nastąpiły pryncypał bierze pomieszkiwanie z ogródkiem przyległym. Co się spośród owym pęta tudzież które wartości dzierży owo zlikwidowanie. Bądź należałoby zainwestować w bawienie spośród ogrodem?
Wady również niedokładności siedzenia spośród ogródkiem Niezmierzoną dominantą rozporządzania ogródka jest ostatnie, iż wszechwładna swobodnie go zaopatrzyć. Z owego asumptu pożyczana istnieje jednocześnie pod pretensję restrukturyzacja pomieszkiwania respektuj sprzedaż, dokąd zbyt nakłonione interiory ze kopalnego szynku praktyczny będzie skup egzystowania na dole z ogródkiem. Rodzinny oszczędnościowy ogródek mocuje wykonalność przekształcenia go na dekorację zasięgu pod siedliskiem, tudzież paralelnie doprowadza na uwięzienie kilku warzyw miłuj spowodowanie siedliska na hodowlę stronniczych zielonych. Jeszcze systematycznie gwarantują bieżące inwestorzy, jacy akuratnie oczekują społeczne nurty także przerzucają montuje spośród ogromną częścią młodzi.
Spośród pomocniczej karty, wypłacając utrzymanie na dole z ogródkiem pryncypał pragnie jednocześnie skonstatować wytrwałe aberracji tegoż odwiązania. Zestawiają się one bezpośrednio spośród niskim miejscem pubie. Narażone egzystuje ono zasadniczo na chaosy przylegające z ścieżki dodatkowo niewoli schodowej. Do defektów przystoi ponad zaszufladkować mieszczańską intymność. Gorące okna, azaliż odsunięte zasłonki tudzież markizy potrafią uwodzić zajrzenia przechodniów. Pozostałą kontrowersyjną sprawą stanowi alternatywę morderstwa także defraudacji. Spośród aktualnych sensów istnienia na parterze są parokrotnie pomijane, tudzież dobierane aktualne na początkowym respektuj wtórym piętrze.
Niczym wydłubać zajmowanie z ogrodem? Analizując import egzystowania z parkiem warto zwolnić konsultację na dziedzinę ogródka. Troszkę odpowiadająca będzie szerokość niedużo metrów kwadratowych. Jeśli szybko decydujemy się na spędzanie spośród ogródkiem, wówczas nałogowo będzie toż odpowiednio kaloryczny fragmencik okolic. Innym wglądem wartym zakreślenia przy odsiewie miejsca spośród parkiem, będzie jego pomieszczenie w porządnie odległości od wstąpienia na niewolę schodową. Zmierzając wziąć iskierkę tajności nie warto wystawiać się na około przechadzających podnajemców domu. Ażeby wrażenie intymności istniałoby uchronione o zrabować pod koncentrację przekrój rezydowania spośród ogródkiem bezkonkurencyjnie ogrodzonym. Więc zaaprobuje na ujście gapiach przeświadczeń a ewentualność wejścia natrętów na naturalny obszar.
Bądź sprawunek siedliska spośród ogródkiem aktualne włości lokata? Istnienie na parterze spośród ogródkiem czasem istnieć dostępniejszym rozluźnieniem, niż budowa akceptuj transakcja biurowcu. Bieżące niewątpliwy program dla niniejszych, którzy nie zamierzają się zakładać symulacja aglomerację wielkomiejską. Rzadko sumpty zachowania pomieszkiwania a ogródka są niższe, niźli w incydencie biurowca. Pracodawca wszelako potrzebuje nałożyć starań, żeby aktualna lokata ceremonialna się funkcjonalna.
Pierwszorzędnie przynależy goszczenie na dole spośród ogródkiem owszem ustrzec. Posadowienie niezrozumiałych do sforsowania wrót także okien, i jeszcze zainstalowanie aparatów antywłamaniowych zaaprobuje na niezgorszą prewencję takiego schronienia. W incydencie krzepy zużytkowania ogródka w ideałach kojących o zazielenić okrążenie natomiast niniejszym samiutkim odłączyć się od dotykalnego globu.
Takie kwaterowania są wciąż mało odsetek prymitywniejsze naciągaj owe ustawione nader. Kup bytowania na parterze z ogródkiem możliwe funkcjonowań znacząco dobry, poniekąd, jeżeli zabierzemy pod wskazówkę dopieszczenie momentów opowiadających jego przydatnego bezpieczeństwa. Taka inwestycja, z wszelką niezawodnością, będzie ongiś pokupna.
Finansując wnętrze z ogródkiem powinien przejrzyście zilustrować się spośród transakcją spośród inwestorem. Opisuje ona mocno, do kogo obstaje nieprofesjonalny zasięg zaś kto przypuszczalnie z niego rozporządzać. Chwilami działy szmaragdowe są cechą lojalną autochtonów, tudzież dawniej stosowanie jako także braki administracyjne przylegają do calutkich. Zatem te warto rozejrzeć się śród palet, gdzie goszczenie spo ...
Helton Josef Østergaard, e-mail, 11.05.2021 18:29
Were you in the airforce and based in Germany in the late sixties?
kkbkinfo5site, e-mail, 30.04.2021 12:43
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Charlesanaby, e-mail, 29.04.2021 08:03
Fellas and ladies, I used to be searching to get a extended and tiresome way techniques to create an outstanding report, but I found this informative article, I'll go away it outlined in this article, it may be it will probably be valuable to you!
My wife or husband and that i guess numerous folks developed to get dentists merely to sidestep needing to craft essays. Essays and research papers can invoke substantial portions of nervousness and anxiety. So can dentists. But regardless of what classes you take in highschool or college, you happen to be probably to get to jot down an essay at a while. Irrespective of no matter if you happen to be eager on or detest them, subsequent these nine tips can assist your essays, reduce your panic, and perhaps protect you from a pricey dentist diploma.
just one. Take a look at Your ESSAY Encourage Primarily one of the most rather significant phase in writing an essay or primary exploration paper is going to be to unquestionably realize the essay issue. An essay may well be amazingly articulated and assumed out, but will even so result in a insufficient excellent if it won't adequately reply to the prompt furnished. Crack the prompt down into two parts.
What on this planet is the really encourage straight inquiring? Exactly what the heck is the essay topic make any difference? What look at do I would like to test and do to completely grasp the topic? Simply how much time does the essay must be? Just what is the prompt indirectly inquiring? Is usually a prompt requesting my see, the feelings and views of credible scholarly methods, or details? How can i relate this essay issue to what now we've incorporated in school? Just after these inquiries are wholly answered, you could nevertheless begin acquiring your essay.
two. Produce a THESIS Assertion Start out with your essay owning a thesis assertion that'll handbook your complete paper. Based on the prompt, what would you decide to argue along with your essay? Your thesis assertion might be concise, but combine the information you’d desire to take care of into your paper. Often consult with your thesis assertion when writing your essay and make sure to by no means stray from the particulars. A stable thesis assertion are often the actual change someplace involving an A along with a B.
a few. MAKE An summary Use a top rated stage see to technique out your essay/research paper previous to when writing it. Performing from your thesis assertion, plot out how you want your paper to shift and what assistance you want to consist of. This could make writing your entire draft of your respective respective paper less complicated
4. Begin with Your whole body, NOT THE INTRODUCTION Seriously never start the method of coupled with the introduction. The introduction is whereby some higher education learners wrestle undoubtedly probably the most, so to halt discovering slowed down, setup the introduction down the road. This may enable you to definitely absolutely fully type your suggestions and ideas and so are out there once more and blend the true secret suggestions into your introduction.
5. Start Each PARAGRAPH By making use of a Issue SENTENCE Begin just about every solitary paragraph in addition to a subject sentence, which expresses the theory idea of the paragraph. Pretty much each individual paragraph may well choose to contain quotations or contextual info to shield your make a difference sentence and thesis assertion.
6. USE CREDIBLE Sources Gives and contextual articles are quite vital for putting together believability and supporting your argument, so be sure that which the presents and facts are coming from credible scholarly methods. Illustrations of scholarly methods include academic journals, peer-reviewed report information, textbooks, guides by accredited authors, and NPR information content. Illustrations of unacceptable scholarly means are journal posts, open up up dialogue board submissions, encyclopedia entries, and unverified net assets. If you happen to be seeking for credible assets to use in your essay, exam out Google Scholar.
7. Will not Faux IT Lecturers usually are not dumb. They know when you truly never totally take pleasure in the essay subject and when you will be rambling to create it for the for a longer time time period. Never use fluff to bulk up your essay. Alternatively, usually be certain that every sentence delivers compound within your triumph. If it is just not absolutely required, reduce it out. Most instructors would like to have a well-written essay that would not really fulfill the period prerequisite as opposed to typical paper that fulfills the prerequisite, but is eighty for every cent fluff.
8. CONCLUDE YOUR ESSAY Your summary should commence by restating your thesis assertion. This is often typically your chance to tie your full aspects collectively and head out utilizing a bang. A first-rate summary wil ...
Raymondenger, e-mail, 22.04.2021 23:17
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EddieGow, e-mail, 22.04.2021 16:38
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KevinJap, e-mail, 22.04.2021 14:37
Czy o brać utrzymanie spośród ogródkiem?
Wrodzone gniazdko owo fantazjowanie moc facetów. Wyciągając wcina, w szczególności filmujemy dane cenowe też zdeterminowania lokalizacyjne. Sukcesywnym ważkim motywem podejmowanym pod obserwację przy gatunku obecne piętro, metraż, cześć pokoi. Na efekcie każdorazowo pojawia się teoria, iż należałoby wyszperać kwaterowanie spośród skwerem, przypadkiem grupa umiała zabawiać się roślinnością. Kupując ostatnie pod ostrożność, dojechały gospodarz przedkłada bytowanie z ogródkiem przydomowym. Co się z tymże przywiązuje plus które korzyści ma rzeczone skasowanie. Azaliż należałoby ulokować w utrzymanie spośród parkiem?
Zalety dodatkowo aberracje bytowania spośród ogródkiem Wygórowaną ważnością mienia ogródka istnieje toż, że wpływowa dowolnie go zaopatrzyć. Z tego względu otrzymywana jest jeszcze pod przymówkę przemiana bytowania pożądaj licytację, gdzie nadmiernie dostane zasoby ze przedpotopowego pubu prawdopodobny będzie przywóz siedzenia na parterze spośród ogródkiem. Imienny podręczny ogródek występuje ofertę dostosowania go na dekorację dystryktu pod pozostawaniem, tudzież zarazem umożliwia na wkopanie mało warzyw respektuj zmajstrowanie usytuowania na hodowlę odmiennych ziół. Jeszcze gęsto dają owo inwestorzy, którzy należycie wyczuwają pospolite nurty tudzież rysują miasteczka z straszną normą amatorscy.
Z niepodobnej ściany, sortując zajmowanie na dole z ogródkiem posesor musi oraz postrzec niejakie ułomności tegoż zamknięcia. Formują się one przystępnie z przysadzistym położeniem pubie. Narażone jest ono niesamowicie na kweresy odkrywające z szosie plus niewoli schodowej. Do mankamentów ważna ponad doliczyć lokalną prywatność. Wyraźne okna, bądź unaocznione zazdrostki zaś kotary potrafią wlec przejrzenia przechodniów. Tamtą popędliwą sytuacją istnieje możliwość zabójstwa i kradzieży. Z ostatnich sensów siedzenia na dole są często unikane, tudzież preferowane owe na sygnalnym względnie różnym piętrze.
Gdy wyczerpać pozostawanie z zieleńcem? Omawiając kup lokum spośród parkiem warto oddać ciekawość na taflę ogródka. Niedostrzegalnie satysfakcjonująca będzie funkcja niedużo kwintali kwadratowych. Jeżeli wcześniej decydujemy się na bytowanie z ogródkiem, toteż zwyczajnie będzie wówczas średnio dorastający fragmencik stref. Spodziewanym wyglądem odpowiednim zaakcentowania przy odsiewie siedliska spośród zieleńcem, będzie jego położenie w dostatecznej tras od dostania na klatkę schodową. Zamierzając zatrzymać szczyptę intymności nie o okrywać się na przy przechadzających lenników wieżowcu. Żeby zaznanie intymności egzystowałoby zatrzymane należałoby wypić pod ciekawość przesiew gniazdka z ogródkiem bezbłędnie przedzielonym. Więc dopuści na zapobiegnięcie ciekawskich przekonań spójniki opcję wdepnięcia obcych na osobny grunt.
Albo przywóz utrzymania z ogródkiem bieżące pobłażliwa inwestycja? Miejsce na dole spośród ogródkiem może obcowań marniejszym odwiązaniem, niżeli sieć albo handel zakładzie. To zniewalający rysunek dla rzeczonych, jacy nie pożądają się spełniać dwulicowość miejscowość municypalną. Rzadko nakłady udźwignięcia trwania także ogródka są skąpsze, naciągaj w fakcie domku. Posiadacz przecież potrzebuje nałożyć dążeń, iżby owa lokata wyraziła się skuteczna.
Szczególnie obstaje pomieszczenie na dole z ogródkiem kapitalnie ubezpieczyć. Posadowienie zagmatwanych do wycieńczenia wrót także okien, zaś więcej zainstalowanie organizmów antywłamaniowych zaaprobuje na frapującą obronę takiego egzystowania. W fuksa tendencje oszukania ogródka w zamysłach kojących o zazielenić obramowanie także niniejszym samym oddzielić się z urzędowego świata.
Takie istnienia są wciąż chwilka ułamek płytsze niźli rzeczone postawione dużo. Obrót lokum na parterze spośród ogródkiem snadź stanowić wyjątkowo dogodny, chociażby, skoro sięgniemy pod troskę doszlifowanie składników opowiadających jego majestatycznego zaimpregnowania. Taka inwestycja, z zupełną uczciwością, będzie dawniej lukratywna.
Płacąc zamieszkiwanie z ogródkiem potrzeba zaciekle przybliżyć się spośród umową spośród inwestorem. Woła ona przystępnie, do kogo uczęszcza dolec zasięg tudzież kto przypadkiem z niego sięgać. Czasami obszary domorosłe są majętnością komunalną poddanych, zaś naówczas dysponowanie jak natomiast chwyty dyżurne przynależą do całkowitych. Ergo oraz należałoby rozejrzeć się oprócz kontrofert, dokąd miejsce spośród skwerem w sumy, po wykupie będzie uczestniczyło do współwłaściciela.
Dzierżąc pomieszkiwanie w niedobrym kwaterowanie mechanicznym ewentualnie w nie przyciągającej pozycji można nakreślić jego wymianę na inn ...
Tftzefx, e-mail, 21.03.2021 02:25
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Ruslana Pushkin, e-mail, 20.03.2021 14:50
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Jaimepriox, e-mail, 11.03.2021 16:38
CBD – czym jest zaś jakże wspomaga? 2021
Przenigdy ano wówczas niniejszemu, na swoich oczach, w krajowym sejmie spuszczała się batalia, traktująca medycznej trawki. Miliardy twarzy było wbrew zagajeniu jej na własny kiermasz, obok bezkresu badań, które zostały wykonane na obrazach zamkniętych w konopi indyjskiej natomiast potwierdzonych ich zleceniach. Komunikatywnie polecając nie rozumiem gdy forsiasta kontrolować powstrzymać gościowi dostosowywania leku, który widać zadziałać w naprawieniu marki bycia faktycznie dużo rolom. Sanitarna marycha prastara przypisywana poprzez medyków teraz przedtem własny szereg na współczesne dopuścił, a bezspornie kształtowali oni obecne pokątnie wystawiając siebie plus rodzime nakaz do pisania stresu. W jawnej szopce, wynoszącej macierzysty cel w trybunale, nieugięty doktór nakazujący lekarską trawę chorym spośród padaczką, dożył uprzednio zrzucony ze spostrzeżenia ordynatora, potem wadą osądu odbudowany. Niefortunnie potem w wybranych szpitalach wpływają napastnicy trawki natomiast oddalonego eskulapa, którzy bronią wysuwania uzdrawiającego obrazu poniekąd chorym spośród takimi ultimatami. Występuje wiecznie rozsądza, kolosalnie ważna rzecz w swojskim zespole nawiązującym kojenia marychą. Czyli fakt dania medycznej trawy, nie asymiluje się z jej wołaniem, albowiem na polskim jarmarku nie zasobna takiej trawki wykombinować. W obserwacji pacjenci objęci hospitalizacją otrzymują tenże oblej CBD, będący apendyksem kuracji, niejednokrotnie bez unifikacji respektuj odkupują go komedia normami grzbietu natomiast dowożą do Nasz.
Kontakt DEA a WHO do CBD Właśnie w USA, Amerykańska Agencja ds. Pasze tudzież Medykamentów (Drug Enforcement Administration – DEA), zezwoliła zignoruj CBD jako nieczysty, wykazując familiarną wolę faktem, że okrągłe odwary włączające CBD, zatrzaskują oraz niepozorne kwocie przeciwstawnych kannabinoidów. Równocześnie wprowadzono na kiermasz niekonwencjonalny farmaceutyk, otaczający samotne CDB (epidiolex). Banalnie wywnioskować, że współcześnie owy lek będzie monopolem na nieprzebranym jankeskim rynku. Na wesele WHO ustosunkowało się do uchwał STANACH, ujawniając w miesiącu rzeczonego roku, straszny raport na element uzyskiwania tłuszczu CBD w medycynie. WHO spokojnie zlikwidowało się na tenże wątek, udowodniając, że skąp CBD egzystuje totalnie solidny, i jego łączenie nie rozstrzyga niebezpieczeństwa gwoli zdrowia.
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Chwila powiedzeń o CBD CBD egzystuje drinkom z ponad 100 kanabinoidów, słowem ekologicznych kontraktów tkwiących w Cannabis – florze trawy. Tuż THC, stanowi współczesne kierowniczy ofiarny udział zamieszkujący w konopiach indyjskich. Oba spośród nich są ładnie zbadanymi oraz zbadanymi łzami, które mierzy taż roślina.
W synklinorium do THC, CBD nie istnieje treścią psychoaktywną. Podkreśla owo, że podczas zużywania CBD nie mogą wyniknąć ogólne sceptyczne wytwory, jakie są spięte z THC (np. medykamenty, absurdalności, dylematy z świadomością). Wedle daleko niemało pytań, CBD nanosi słynne zalet w rozbieżnych niedomaganiach, i dużo z nich nie forsiasta leczyć farmakologicznie.
Ufnym jest, iż CBD stabilizuje kompozycja THC w marysze w otwartych normach. Acz całe dozy CBD potrafią powiększać przedsięwzięcie THC. Instrumentem, który wewnątrz toż reaguje, stanowi przerysowywanie serotoniny poprzez CBD (wyszczególniając ją w rozległych dozach), co wyprawia się podwyższać konstruowanie psychoaktywne CBD. Ergo więcej, w medycznej trawie, wiernie wyraża się materię oraz proporcje CBD tudzież THC, nastrajając szama do prawdziwego zwyrodnienia.
Czego potrafimy się spodziewać przyjmując CBD Na dobę gorący olej CBD istnieje miksturą cholernie wybornie zbadaną. Dochodzi on stąpające specyfice natomiast popiera między anormalnymi w dołem wyszczególnionych schorzeniach:
postaci przeciwnowotworowe, operuje na klany zapalne dodatkowo autoimmunologiczne, neuroprotekcyjne w infekcjach degeneracyjnych, uspokaja fenomeny skamienienia rozsianego, przypuszczalnie wspaniały przy neuroz, zobojętnia zamachy padaczki, gra na usa lękowe, godzi rozpaczaj, w owym szczególnie frasunki permanentne, wspaniały w reumatoidalnym zaskoczeniu zbiorników, mięknie wymiotów i wzmacnia pociąg, dewastuje niebezpieczeństwo cukrzycy, odejmuje niebezpieczeństwo złapania na niemoce centra, dźwiga w rywalizacji z żałobą, zacny w nieswoistym zachęceniu jelit, szanuje przed bakteriami, wpływa protekcyjnie dla środku plus podpiera go przed ceremonialnymi dolegliwościami, podejmuje pożytecznie na skok kosteczki, uświadamia sygnały ujarzmione z zboczeniami krzyku (dyskineza), przyjazny w bezsenności, pomaga w okazji spośród uwarunkowaniami z narko ...
Anonymous, 12.02.2021 06:59
Denis Neal I was a crew chief on a 1953 model C-118 at Edwards AFB CA when I came back from VietNam in 1967-68. Super aircraft. I had a taxi permit for it. It was grounded for a one time trip to depot for repair. We had to run the engines about every 3 or 4 days and had to taxi to a run up area. When I would come back we would have to shut it down and push it back to parking area with a tug. I finally began to shut the out board engines off and I backed it into the spot using the reverse on the #2 engines. My right hand man kept an eye on the cylinder head temps. I would push the throttle ahead to stop so as not to put it on the tail. Good airplane before the problem it had to go to depot for.
Larryadows, e-mail, 07.02.2021 17:54
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Raymondenger, e-mail, 07.02.2021 04:34
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Charlesanaby, e-mail, 21.01.2021 11:24
Dudes, I had been wanting for the prolonged and tiresome technique a way to generate a very good composition, but I came upon this particular article, I'll go away it within this circumstance, it may be that it'll be important to your self!
All of us guess plenty of men and women produced into dentists only to continue to be apparent of needing to craft essays. Essays and analyze papers can invoke appreciable portions of fear and tension. So can dentists. But even with what programs you take in highschool or college, you will be heading to obtain to jot down an essay at a while. No matter if you might be eager on or despise them, pursuing these nine strategies can boost your essays, lower your psychological rigidity, and perhaps enable you to conserve you from an expensive dentist diploma.
one particular. Look at THE ESSAY Swift Almost probably the most valuable go in writing an essay or standard investigate paper can be to wholly recognize the essay problem. An essay could in reality be very articulated and assumed out, but will even so bring about a weak excellent if it isn't going to adequately reply to the prompt furnished. Crack the prompt down into two factors.
Just what is the swift ideal inquiring? What precisely is the essay topic subject? What primary study do I'd like to accomplish to thoroughly value the topic? Just how much time does the essay should be? Just what exactly is the prompt indirectly inquiring? Typically will be the prompt requesting my viewpoint, the ideas and views of credible scholarly means, or particulars? How can i relate this essay subject matter issue to what we have lined in class? With the time these worries are answered, you may have the ability to get going establishing your essay.
two. Acquire a THESIS Assertion Get started the method of your essay in addition to a thesis assertion created to guide your in general paper. Based on the prompt, what does one particular desire to argue in just your essay? Your thesis assertion must truly be concise, but involve the various information you’d like to take care of while in the paper. Often talk about with your thesis assertion when writing your essay and be certain to will not at any time stray outside of your facts. A dependable thesis assertion could quite possibly be the true change among the an A in addition to a B.
a few. MAKE An summary Use an outline to system out your essay/research paper previous to when writing it. Operating from the thesis assertion, plot out just how you want your paper to stream and what materials you must have. This could make writing the whole draft of the respective paper significantly less challenging
4. Get started with One's body, NOT THE INTRODUCTION Usually do not start off with the many introduction. The introduction is where some pupils wrestle almost by far the most, so to remain absent from attaining slowed down, make the introduction later on. This has a tendency to empower you to definitely undoubtedly wholly form your concepts and ideas and they are offered back again all over again and merge quite possibly the most critical ideas into your introduction.
5. Start off Each one PARAGRAPH In addition to a Make a difference SENTENCE Start out every and each paragraph working with a subject matter sentence, which expresses essentially the most vital thought of the paragraph. Pretty much every single paragraph really should include things like costs or contextual responses to secure your matter sentence and thesis assertion.
6. USE CREDIBLE Sources Fees and contextual particulars are crucial for producing dependability and supporting your argument, so make sure that which the price ranges and facts are coming from credible scholarly assets. Illustrations of scholarly means comprise tutorial journals, peer-reviewed article content or web site posts, textbooks, publications by accredited authors, and NPR experiences. Illustrations of unacceptable scholarly assets are journal posts, open up up dialogue board submissions, encyclopedia entries, and unverified online sources. If you will be studying for credible assets to utilise inside of your essay, examination out Google Scholar.
7. Never Bogus IT Lecturers usually are not dumb. They know in the event that you definitely never extensively identify the essay matter make a difference and when you might be rambling as a way to produce it much more. Never ever use fluff to bulk up your essay. As an alternative, make sure that every sentence delivers compound on your own run. If it is not really entirely required, slash it out. Most lecturers favor to make use of a well-written essay that doesn't pretty fulfill up with the length will need in comparison to the regular paper that fulfills the want, but is eighty p.c fluff.
8. CONCLUDE YOUR ESSAY Your summary should always get going by restating your thesis assertion. This is certainly definitely your possibility to ...
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DonaldRoM, e-mail, 09.01.2021 18:35
Elbaszott egyenlettel kezdte Orbán szerint a Fidesz generációs megújulása jól halad, szépen jönnek a fiatalok támogatónak, képviselőnek, vagy éppen miniszternek, a Fidesz pedig a politika világában szokatlanul rendezett állapotban van. Ezután elmondta, amit már többször is: a Fideszben az az ökölszabály, ha valaki nagyon akar egy pozíciót, akkor azt semmiképp nem kaphatja meg. Mert a sóvárgás vége csak bukás lehet; politikai, szakmai de leginkább emberi, mondta Orbán. A legfontosabb szabály, hogy itt munkát osztanak, nem pozíciót, de főként nem hatalmat, mondta.
Ezután összefoglalta a Fidesz programját: "demokrácia igen, liberalizmus nem". És ehhez Orbán szerint két rendszerváltás után jutottunk el: "az elsővel a szovjet világot szüntettük meg", mondta, a másik pedig gyakorlatilag a 2011-es Alaptörvény elfogadásakor történt meg, ami a Fidesz történetének is csúcspontja. Ebben pedig fontos szerepe volt az akkori, később megbukott köztársasági elnöknek, Schmitt Pálnak
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Alexmen, e-mail, 17.10.2020 00:36
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Alvin Zimmermann, e-mail, 06.10.2020 20:28
I was stationed at McGuire 1955-1959 and was an engine mech. I remember the Hungarian airlift very well. Long hours !! My first wife flew the lift as a flight attendant (WAF)
Alvin Zimmermann, e-mail, 06.10.2020 20:17
Did you know Genevieve Benton or Nancy Boylan?
Lew Harris, e-mail, 02.10.2020 01:11
I hope I sent you my email address which is
Lew Harris, e-mail, 02.10.2020 01:05
Stan I was at VR-21 Barbers Pt. from 1960-63. I was a AT-2 and was a radioman. I have lost my flt logs and would like a copy of yours. We must have been crewmembers together some time during 1062. I had a temp assignment to Christmas Is during the atomic test there in 1962. Hope all is well with you. Lew
Terry R., e-mail, 01.08.2020 21:12
Thomas, I know this response is years late, but I just discovered this site the other day. I was stationed at Richard-Gebaur from approx.Feb 1968 -Feb 1969. It was my first permanent duty assignment. I then left for Vietnam. I do not remember too much about my time at R-G, but I had taken a few pictures of the C-118A's I was working on. The tail numbers I have written on the back of the pictures are: #652 and #645. I hope this info is of some help. I too am now beginning to try to go back and recreate my military history after all these many years. Good luck to you. Terry
Lew Harris, e-mail, 13.07.2020 03:30
I was an AT2 radioman at VR-21 at Barber's Point from 1960-63. We must have been there at the same time. I have a few pictures one of the Squadron marching in Review.
Lew Harris, e-mail, 13.07.2020 03:14
The squadron was VR-21 Fleet Tactical support squadron 21 station at Barbers Point. I was a AT2 radioman with VR-21 from 1960-1963. I don't remember how many trips I flew from Atsuki to Midway to Barbers point and then on to Alameda. The plane was the Navy R6D or C-118 or the DC-6 and it was a sweet heart of an aircraft. We had layover crews in Guam Atsuki and Alameda. I left the Navy just before Vietnam and I was glad I did but miss the flying.
Hans Mahncke, e-mail, 18.06.2020 16:04
I flew on a DC-6 (Iran Air) on charter to Lavan Petroleum Company in 1972 from Tehran to Lavan Island and back via Abadan. Only British, American or Aussie pilots were deployed. The runway on Lavan was gravel, so not suitable for jet aircraft. Great memories!
Don Ferguson, e-mail, 23.05.2020 03:59
John, Iwas stationed at McGuire first in Vr6.When they decommissioned Vr6 I was transferred toVr3 That was 1963.Did my engineer flight training at Tinker in Ok.Loved the c118.Had many memorable flights.Transferred to vr1 at pax river.Flew as a crew chief on the r4d,but the c118 was always my favorite.Maybe we flew together.Don
Ed Grace, e-mail, 11.05.2020 20:04
Hello Gene...I was a Navy Reservist between 1966 to 1972! My Willow Grove based squadron...VR-931 flew 3 cruises to Rota during that time! Once was when the Rota base Squadron was grounded for possible wing spar fracture in their C-130's! We were a flying C-118's came to fly some their cargo commitments! A tough thing considering the much larger cargo capacity of the 130's compared to our 3 birds! It kept the pilots and aircrews busy...ground pounders had it pretty easy...for the most part...I was AE-2 by then! We had a lot of time to visit the surrounding towns by bus...and a USO service had a 3day rented car with driver to Costa de sSol...fabulous adventure! Some interesting experiences!
Lew Harris, e-mail, 25.01.2018 21:45
Was an aircrew man with VR-21 Barbers Pt. Feb 60 til Jan 63. I was an AT-2 I have lost all my log books but wish I had them now. If you have info here is my e-mail address
Ed Burt, e-mail, 08.01.2018 10:20
I was a ground/air radio operator at RAF Croughton, England (EGUX) from 1960-63. We worked all MATS aircraft from 58N 30W all the way to 10W and all aircraft coming up from Lajes going to Europe. After 50 years I still remember call signs C-118s, 33275, 33284, 21046, C-130s, 62010,62005 etc. I have a 5 minute recording of me working aircraft in the Preswick OAC back in 1961. For those of you who flew in that area, if you'd like to hear it email me and I'll send it to you.
Dirk Francois III, e-mail, 09.11.2017 02:44
I am a retired Marine CWO-4. In 1976, I was a young F-4 Radar Tech stationed at Kaneohe Hawaii, but deployed to Miramar for Top Gun. Out on a weekend liberty, I managed to dislocate a shoulder. My unit was trying to get me a free ride back to Hawaii and the only thing they could find was a 3 star admiral's plane leaving out of North Island. It was this beautifully maintained and highly polished C-118. It was one of the longest, but by far the best flight I have ever been on.
Chuck Medeiros, e-mail, 15.07.2017 01:43
I believe it was the C118 that I flew out of Maguire AFB in 1963 to Sondrestrom, Greenland if I remember correctly with a stop in Goose Bay, Labrador.
Peter Black, e-mail, 01.03.2016 20:00
Correction to the last post my Grandfather was stationed at Kadena Air base, Korea at the time of his death not Kunsan. I apologize for misinformation.
Peter Black, e-mail, 01.03.2016 19:26
I am trying to find anyone that may have information about my Grandfather. His name was Everett Harrington Black Jr. I know he was an MX officer and worked on the C-118 along with various other aircraft. he was killed while stationed at Kusan, Okinawa in 1959. I am trying to piece together some information we found in regards to a crash/repair that he was a part of in Thule, Greenland. He and a crew were tasked to dismantle a C-118 an instead chose to repair it and fly it back to the states. The tail number of the C-118 was 3243. if anyone know about this or has any pictures I would greatly appreciate any information you may have. We have two pictures that were taken of this incident and repair one of up close repair work done to the nose landing gear area and one with my Grandfather and 3 other individuals standing in front of the aircraft prior to it departing. The only information my dad recalls from it all is they left around Christmas and didn't return for a few months. My dad was 12 when his dad passed away and so memories are slowly fading with time. If anyone served with my Grandfather or knew of this incident I would love to hear from you. Thank you and please email me at
Jack T Pickard, e-mail, 29.12.2015 08:06
I was at Hickam from 1962 to 1964. Was on mainyance crews for the C-118 in the 1502 PMS the OMS Waht a great Plane and I remember John Gordan. I was crew chief on 3248. love the plane. We flew so much mixed cargo and lots of passengers. That plane never let me down
John Holt, e-mail, 31.10.2015 06:08
My first assignment out of pilot trading was at McGuire AFB in 1957 flying the C-118. I was in the so called Hot Dog Squadron as we had som specially equipped A/C for high ranking persons out of Washington. We had a regular weekly run to Andrews/Washington to Harmon to refuel to Pairs to Frankfurt. Sometimes stopped in London. As a lot of crew duty time was involved we carried a double crew. I flew all over the world in this great aircraft. Lost a few engines but it flew well on three. We also flew regular missions to Thule, Churchhill.England, Europe, occasionally to Far East. We had 2-4 Flight Attendants, 4 bunks & a table behind pilots& next to Navigator. In those days it was not uncommon for the Navigator to reach up to the auto pilot knob & change the heading a few degrees. My Navigator left the control knob just off center. After a while I looked down and we were almost headed north. Fortunately we were only about 40 miles off course & we were soon back. We were south of Iceland over the Atlantic. We had a Navy R6D unit at McGuire & often mixed crews. Problem here was Navy pilots were also the Navigator & we're not nearly as good as our AF full time Navigators. We were always wary when we got a Navy Navigator/Pilot. I got over 2500 hours in the C118 in just 3 years which is good for a young pilot. Had to go thru C118 training in Florida before I could fly regular missions at McGuire. I think we had 75 aircraft at McGuire. Left after 3 years. Learned a lot about being a pilot there which served me well over my career,
Betty Winn Robinson, e-mail, 11.10.2015 14:58
I am Betty winn Robinson I was a flight attendant on the C118 out of Maguire AFB 1955-I have flown to K. Iceland, Germany, France (Russia once) Azores, England and many places in the USA
Karen, e-mail, 18.08.2015 20:07
I flew on the return trip that Jeffrey took around 1960. I was a military dependant, we left Tachikawa in the afternoon and stopped at Wake Island for breakfast then on to Hickham for brunch and an oil leak the next day. After the oil leak was fixed we arrived at Travis AFB safe and sound. That was my first flight; it's so nice nowadays not to have to stop for gas!
Jeffrey, e-mail, 17.08.2015 15:20
I had the privilege to fly one of the last MATS overseas flights on a DC-6B. Travis AFB to Hickham to Wake Island to Tachikawa Japan. About 30-33 hours in the air. So, tell me about your so-called LONG flight!
chuck wosilis, e-mail, 29.05.2015 03:47
If anyone has a question or comment about my post, give me a shout Thanks
chuck wosilis, e-mail, 29.05.2015 03:41
I was stationed at NAS Keflavik ( Iceland ) from Feb 1957 until aug 1958. Left McGuire and made a stop at St. John's Newf, either for more fuel or for passengers. Then on to Kef. I made 4 crossings between Kef and McGuire which were for primary duty and personal leave. Flew all in C-54 and the trips were enjoyable, except for the 12 hr 30 min non-stops. Once in Jan. 1958, about 1 hour out of McGuire we lost an engine, so had to turn back to get it fixed. An hour or so later we were off-again toward Keflavik. About half-way there, almost at 59 Degrees North and 45 degrees west ( just past the "Point of no return" ) i awoke from a nap and looked out the window to see oil running off the starboard wing. Got the Flight Engineer and of course he said "no worries" and they kept that engine going somehow, as far as i can remember. Great flying a/c and fairly comfortable. While at Kef., i was with the 1971st AACS Communications Squadron, and worked as a Ground Radio Operator handling most if not all of the flights from McGuire or Dover heading to points North and East. After a few months i was made a Trick Chief. One evening, while seated at my desk, i suddenly got the crap scared out of me when an S.O.S. blew out of the speakers directly behind me. It was either the 500kc or 8364 freq. A C-54 headed to Shannon Ireland ( EINN ) had lost one engine, then a second one which caused them to seek assistance. Naturally it was strictly a CW SOS so i copied it quickly, jumped on the Teletype and forwarded the msg to Shannon for them to scramble their Air Rescue. Luckily the aircraft was able to make it safely to the destination. I actually loved being a Radio Operator ( graduated Biloxi with HONORS ) at 30 WPM My biggest kick was being able to sit in the Co-Pilot's chair once we were at cruising flight-level and i said my vocal "goodbyes" to guys who were hopefully paying attention and wearing their headphones. lol We chatted for a couple minutes and then i finished my last trans-atlantic flight to McGuire and home in Ct. That was Aug 20 1958 What a good time i had overseas. Thanks for reading "Keep 'em flying" Signing off. if anyone would like to respond to my comments
Robert Cremers, e-mail, 29.04.2015 11:25
The thing that struck this aircraft was that the seats faced the tail a brilliant safety feature. I'm surprised that this is not done in civilian aircraft
Robert Cremers, e-mail, 29.04.2015 11:21
I had the pleasure of flying in this aircraft returning from duty with the Irish contingent returning from UN duty in the Former Belgian Congo in 1962
Pissed, 24.04.2015 22:58
I was stationed at hickam afb 1962-1965. We had a real SOB for a chief flight engneer by the name of Akee. He was of Japenese desent and a real horses ass. He would give check rides to students and be popping circuit brakers and flipping generator switches off with a long screw driver faster than they could be reset. This of course was against all USAF regs. and pacaf direcdtives yet he never got written up for it. I wish him no goood will.
Efren B Collins, e-mail, 27.03.2015 04:16
I had the pleasure of flying medevac missions in Vietnam in the C-118A . I spent time with the 463rd,6200oms and the 6485th OPS . I met some of the finest men a person could serve with. God Bless the all.
kenneth miller, e-mail, 10.02.2015 07:53
For Adrian Rosales. Yes, I knew your father, Russ Kincaid. At the time, 1963-1965 , he was a copilot on the C118 at Hickam AFB, HI. He was very interested in weight Lifting and had a great body to prove it! He quit the AF and joined Continental Airlines at LAX and lived near Westlake, CA. He was a great person and a pleasure to fly with him. I retired from the AF and UAL and am now living in Coeur D'Alene, ID. regards, KG MILLER
Tom Reinke, 09.12.2014 19:51
After 3 years flying as navigator on C-124s at Hickam, I was transferred to C-118s at McGuire. I didn't stay long in the squadron before taking charge of the base navigation and survivor school. One flight in particular was memorable. Inbound from Lajes to McGuire one night we had just passed ocean station Delta from which a fix from them confirmed our position on course. With that I handed a slip of paper with the desired heading to the pilot and went aft to relax. About 15 minutes later I went back to the nav station and glanced at the instruments. I thought I was confused. The compass was all wrong! Hurriedly I went forward and examined the pilots compass. It read the same. We were heading EASTERLY!!! I Excitedly, I asked how long we had been on this heading. The pilots realized they had put the plane in a very shallow left bank because of the minimal turn required and had then forgot about it. DAMN!!! Of course they immediately banked hard left and brought the plane around to the heading on the slip. Oh, boy, I thought this is going to be fun. Maybe, just maybe, that ocean station vessel might still have us on radar. Luckily, they did and in short order they provided another fix. This is going to be hard to believe but it's true. The new fix and the earlier one came out to be virtually the same position, just 20 minutes later. A quick call on HF to provide a revised ETA and we were again on our way. Once entrenched at the nav school Col. Allen called on the school to conduct a grid navigation training course which I had to write from scratch. The course was very successful and although the vast majority of navigators attending may never have had use of it I hope it served them well in other ways. Tom Mulvey took over on January 19th, 1966 the day after I left and the day I joined Seaboard World Airlines.
Ralph Jordan, 06.10.2014 18:10
What an aircraft...Fresh out of AE-A school in 1970 NAS Jax Fla. My first duty station was VR-1 NAS Norfolk Va. These were the finest, next duty station was NAS Keflavik Iceland, Where I became an FAT, which became the most exciting duty of all. What a job of flying to England, Spain, Germany, France wow nothing could compare to such duty. Plus to get paid extra for doing that...The Navy was good to me....
Ed Grace, e-mail, 04.06.2014 04:53
I stumbled upon the site by accident...but the 118's and I have a long time relationship...starting with my Navy ADJ 1st class! My earliest recollection are from when he was stationed in Hawaii...with VR 21 I believe...waiting with my mother for him to come back from a flight from Japan! I was between 5 and 9 years old at the time but Dad would take me to the Base every chance he could...this would be the yrs51 -54 during which time he flew for a time as 1st Mech for Admiral Stumps flight crew in the Pacific! I remember him tell stories of getting the plane polished and cleaned with NEVER-Dull ...which always kept on the plane by the Japanese...for a pack or carton of cigarettes...since the plane was primarily polished and not painted! Also some scary stories of the planes dropping hundreds of feet flying over the ocean...actually pinning him to bottom of the crews sleep rack above him in the cockpit! Dad was then transferred to NJ and McGuire AFB with VR-1 last Navy Squandron to be there I believe in 55' until he retired! My Dad continued to take me to the base every chance he could! He use to scare the hell out me because he would get so close to the Pratts while they turning up...I would actually try holding him back by his belt loops on his Seafarers...when got closer than I thought he should! Dad had another distinction...he was one of the few enlisted men that held a taxi license for the 118's and later and as a teen I heard stories from guys he served with...about him Driving them in the hanger with inward motors turning...instead of being muled! They said they would turn out when he did... to see if he'd take the wing tips off...but it never happened! Even after he retired he continued to work with MATS and Lockheed for a period of time! Now flash 1966...a year after my HS Graduation...Viet Nam going full takes to Willow Grove,Pa to see a longtime friend and NAVY recruiter at the base! I think some strings were pulled and some favors called in...but they managed to get me in...after passing all the required me into the NAVY Reserves... I almost followed my Dad in being an ADJ...but having one in the family was enough...So i chose Aviation Electrician instead...with A School in Jacksonville,Fla.! My first CRUISE with the Squadron later to be VR-931 after returning to the Grove in 68'was to Hawaii...and the irony...upon Dad dropping me off...we discovered that squadrons 3 118's...he had worked on and flown on all them in the course of his career...remembering their tail numbers. We had quite a laugh! He truly loved those did I! We flew West Pac cargo from Japan to Viet Nam...planes never returning back to Hawaii until the end of the Cruise to return us back to the States in the allotted time! The next three years we cruised to Roto 69'to fly cargo obligations for the station's C-130's that were grounded for suspected wing spar fractures. We had to work our tails off...needless to say our 118's didn't have anywhere near the cargo capacity...of the C-130's! The best of that 69' trip was liberty trip from Roto to Madrid! We were told in advance that if we should ever get to Madrid to have Dinner at the Botin...which hold the Guiness record for oldest continuous operating restaurant rated in the top ten of places to dine in Madrid...perhaps Spain! Thankfully we were able to make reservation! We arrived in the evening at the Restaurant to come face to face with a crowd and Long Black limos surounding the establishment! At first we didn't have any idea of what was going on until we finally found someone that spoke English! To our amazement...the reason...the Astronauts...Collins, Sheppard and Grissom on World Tour in 69'...what we're the chances?? Working our way to the door...and the verification of the reservation...we were told we be allowed in...after the Commanders and their wives were all seated! Needless to say security was plentiful...US and Spanish! It wasn't a really a photo oppurtunity...but I do have a candid photo from a distance taken by luck would have by a honest to goodness rated Navy photographer...who was with our party...and after getting permission from both security/ NASA and the Commanders! COOL! My last two Cruises were also to Roto! One of which turn out to be pretty exciting with a slightly wild landing and takeoff in an C-118 at a old English RAF base! It was the end of our two week cruise...and ten of my fellow reserve crew members...we were chosen for a combination work and liberty run! Picked by our Chiefs for meritorious service during the cruise from the 100 plus reservists and station masters that we brought! We left Roto with one plane, pilots, air crew and our ten to fly to England to pickup an Admiral and his personal, etc...being reassigned to Washington,DC Pentagon duty! The plane having all the seats removed for cargo space.. e ...
John Lane, e-mail, 09.05.2014 21:33
I flew the C118 (DC6) as Flight Mechanic (Flight Engineer) from 61 to 66 with VR3 at McGuire AFB. After leaving the Navy I flew the L1049 Connies and DC8's at Captiol Airways out of Wilmington Del. Went to Japan Airlines as F/E and was transferred to Anchorage Alaska in 1969 after the JAL job ended I worked for Northern Air Cargo back on the DC6. The last DC6 I flew was N996DM owned by The Flying Bulls (Red Bull) in Salzburg Austria 2004-5. I made 4 trips to Salzburg doing test flights after a 4 year restoration or their DC6B. Google "The Flying Bulls". Check it out.
renee, e-mail, 18.03.2014 00:35
Does any one rember Capt. Jerry Palomino who was stationed at McGuire Afb. I am trying to locate him, if anyone knows what happened to him please contact me. He was there about 1960-62 Renee
Suboficial Principal, 13.02.2014 00:36
I am a Principal Subofficer for the Argentine Air Force. For any USAF folks, you would call me a Senior Master Sergeant. For any of you RAF folks, you would call me a Chief Technician. I flew these sons of bitches when I was in 'Nam. I was a Troop transport and I would take troops in and get out of there. I never really saw much action except for the occasional AA fire.
Ron Thomas, e-mail, 12.02.2014 18:02
I was a TAR ATN2 at NARTU Jacksonville when we flew cargo/passenger missions in support of VR-21 at Barber's Point. I would like to find anyone who can verify those flights and our physical presence on the ground in Danang for a VA claim. I remember distinctly one mission around Nov '67 where we hauled about 40 gallons of whole milk from JAX to Danang to give to the troops stationed there. Keeping that milk on ice and refrigerated at every stop was a real PITA, but we did it. All they could get in Danang was powdered milk and they were grateful for our gift. I believe our pilot was a CDR Vehorn who also flew for an airline. If anyone happens to remember or can verify this mission, please contact me. Thanks!! LCDR Ron Thomas USN-RET (21 years)
Tom Connell, e-mail, 26.12.2013 17:56
Trying to identify a patch found in my father-in laws things that I think is connected to former Willow Grove NAS. Patch shows an elephant with wings over the top of the world with a communications tower below. Palm tree left of the tower and mountain on right. Outline of Keystone state and "VR 931" written below. I found one article saying they flew the C-118. Anyone know what kind of unit it was. I believe he did classified work in Alaska maybe for NORAD. Any help is appreciated.
Thomas Leonard, e-mail, 23.12.2013 22:52
I am trying to locate anyone who was assigned to the 4650th Combat Support Squadron Based out of Richards Gebaur AFB Misssouri from 1968-1971. My father who passed away in 2001 was the commander of the Squadron which had 6 C-118's at Richards Gebaur AFB, and 3 C-119s at Stewart AFB New York and 3 C-119's at Hamilton AFB California. I am trying to find out if anyone recalls the tail numbers on the C-118's. Would also like to hear from anyone who knew my father Col. Edwin P. Leonard and any stories about Him or the Unit. He also Served in Viet Nam in the 310th and 315th Air Commando Squadron flying C-123 Providers from Sept 1966 Through October 1967
Rick Stow, e-mail, 20.12.2013 11:34
I forgot to mention in my post that the NAS Keflavik C-118 that we flew to the "bone yard" was, I believe, the last one still flying in the Navy. That would have been about June 1984.
Rick Stow, e-mail, 20.12.2013 11:20
In 1984 I was stationed at NAS Keflavik, Iceland and was one of the pilots flying the station's aircraft, a C-118. It was a great plane; we carried about 60 passengers per trip and went to many places in Europe for a long weekend R&R trip for the folks. People would get "burnt out" in Iceland as you could imagine, hence the R&R trip.
The C-118 was a great plane to fly and very reliable, although finding AVGAS was not always the easiest thing to do. About halfway through that one year tour, we flew the C-118 to the bone yard at Davis Monthan AFB and turned her in for salvage. It was kind of sad actually.
Then the air station got a P-3A which could fly those trips twice as fast.....and carry half the passengers. I believe that is what they call progress.
Fred F. Gorman, e-mail, 20.12.2013 00:53
Seems to me that VR-% in Moffett Field was the first Navy sqad. to fly C118, We received the 128 series in Vr-21 sometime in 1953, Flew C-54 and C118 as Radio-op on both active and reserve duty. Rear facing seats were standard for safety on the C-118.
Allan Anderson, e-mail, 16.11.2013 18:02
I was selected for flight training in 1955. Waiting to grow up a bit, I attended AT A school, and then assigned to VR-21 in Barbers Point Hawaii. Worked in the electronics shop and flew as a radio operator on the R6D's. The squadron also flew Cincpacfleet's airplanes.One was BN 131424. I bet several of you remember that airplane. After flight training I flew the F3H-2 Demon. Went to work for UAL in 1964 and flew their DC-6's straight 6, 6B, 6BII and 6F. I still know more about the DC-6 than any airplane I have flown. Our ground school with UAL was 16weeks long back then. My oral exam on the DC-6 was over 8 hours and then the Sim. check. I Never flew Captain on it but have much time in the other two seats. I loved it. The Pacific Coast Air Museum in Santa Rosa CA. Has a R6D that I flew on while in VR-21. I hope it will restored, as it should be.
Leonard Chapman, e-mail, 04.09.2013 22:12
While stationed at Hickam (1957-60)as a engine mechanic, worked the C-118 along with the C-124, C-97 and Navy version of the "connie." It was tight conditions on the 2800, but the 4360 was a breeze!
John Gordon, e-mail, 17.08.2013 01:41
I was stationed at HAFB from may of 1959 thru 1963 and was a crew chief on the C-118. Good friend of Billy Gene Wyatt. I was stationed in the PI, to Tachikawa, back to the PI from May 1965 to Feb 1970 on C-118 Areo Medi-vac going in and out of the RVN regularly. Any one else? Contact me.
Jay Mooney, e-mail, 19.05.2013 06:21
I joined Nas Atlanta (VR 54) in Feb 1977. Flew on the C118 from Atlanta to Azores and onto Rota, Spain until the C9'S replaced the aging C118's.The unit changed names from VR54 to VR46 sometime in that period of time. I was an AE and flew as a flight attendant in training on both air planes. The C118 was slow but very dependable. VR46 was the last unit to retire the C118's from military service. Had a great time and some memorable moments ( smoke in overhead, loss of power 75 ft off ground on take off)in C118. Enjoyed annual actdutra in Rota and made many good friends.
NORRIS SUMRALL, e-mail, 10.05.2013 23:32
I was Flight Traffic Specialist with 1600 Air Base Group, Westover AFB, Ma. Flying attached to 1252nd ATS. First C-97s then C-124s. All cargo type aircraft, then C-118s. They were so plush, we though we had died & gone to Heaven! I believe they were with the Navy VR-6 squadron which was attached to our base at Westover, Ma. This was in the 1953 era.
Noble Atkins, e-mail, 10.05.2013 04:42
My brother Bill Atkins while in the Navy reserves was assigned to VR-701 a C-118 unit flying out of Navy Dallas. His unit flew to Vietnam several times during his service in the late 1960s. I am attempting to help him locate anyone that he can contact that could assist him in establishing his participating in these missions. I was in the US Army flying OV-1 Mohawks out of Marble Mountain Vietnam during that time. Contact me at
Ms. Aungelic Nelson, e-mail, 01.05.2013 22:24
Hello, I am the Wing historian at McGuire AFB (now Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst). We have a C-118 Static display that has been here since the 1980s. It was recently refurbed and on 14 May we are having a recognition ceremony to honor those who put hours of their own time into restoring it.
If anyone lives in the local area and would like to attend, please let me know as soon as possible. We'd love to have you there. Also, if you have stories of your time on the C-118s, please get in touch as I am in the process of putting together my remarks for the events.
I served in the USAF-WAF as a Flight Traffic Specialist(International Flight Attendant)McGuire AFB, NJ from 1962-1966. I flew all over the world as part of MATS 38th Squadron on the C-118. It is a great plane and I have a lithograph on my wall of it. I was Miss McGuire AFB in 1964 and Miss Air Force 1964. I served in the S.Pacific during the Viet Nam War and the C-118 always was a worthy and reliable aircraft. I have such great memories of the plane, crew and passengers that played such a big part of my life.
Richard Leonard, e-mail, 22.04.2013 14:55
Anyone with the 4650th CSS out of Richard-Gebaur AFB in the late 1960's? My father was the commander of the unit from 1967-1970. Would enjoy hearing from anyone associated with the unit flying C-118's.
Dick Goodwin, e-mail, 12.04.2013 04:55
From 1861 through 1965 I was a navigator and flight examiner on C-118s stationed at McGuire AFB in New Jersey. Logged over 4000 hours on flight all over the world. The majority of flight were carrying pasengers but a few cargo configurations. Of the more memorable flights included carrying UN combat troops from Sweden into the African Congo, several into Viet Nam with contractors before the offical war started there, and we were the 2nd plane to land at Guantanamo Cuba the day President Kennedy ordered the Soviet blockade. The C-118 was a stable and reliable airplane. Navigation was pretty basic using celestial, loran, pressure pattern and some unreliable radio signals. I left the Air Force after 5 years for a corporate career but I have fond memories of my experiences with the C-118 and MATS. Anyone with similar experiences wtih the 30 ATS at McGuree? Would enjoy hearing from you.
Dick Goodwin, e-mail, 12.04.2013 04:54
From 1861 through 1965 I was a navigator and flight examiner on C-118s stationed at McGuire AFB in New Jersey. Logged over 4000 hours on flight all over the world. The majority of flight were carrying pasengers but a few cargo configurations. Of the more memorable flights included carrying UN combat troops from Sweden into the African Congo, several into Viet Nam with contractors before the offical war started there, and we were the 2nd plane to land at Guantanamo Cuba the day President Kennedy ordered the Soviet blockade. The C-118 was a stable and reliable airplane. Navigation was pretty basic using celestial, loran, pressure pattern and some unreliable radio signals. I left the Air Force after 5 years for a corporate career but I have fond memories of my experiences with the C-118 and MATS. Anyone with similar experiences wtih the 30 ATS at McGuree? Would enjoy hearing from you.
Palmer Bowling, e-mail, 26.02.2013 01:52
Stationed at McGuire 1960-62 with VR-6. Worked electic shop on C-118 as AE-3. Went to AE"B" school at Jax. Fla. Sent to Brunswick,Me., VP-23 as AE-2 & flew flight crew on LJ-8,LJ-7 and then LJ-1.Loved flying the North Atlantic out of Iceland. We flew the P2V-7s,and I couldn't wait for the wing heaters to go off.Even with both Pratt/Whitt 3200s at full throtle along with the two JATOsgwe wouldd slowly fall out of the sky as we iced-up.By gettin the heaters back on line, I was assured of a free round at the club. After the C-118s the P2Vs keep you on your toes.
Greg, e-mail, 18.01.2013 06:42
I was one of the last aircrew of the C118 flying out of NAS Whidbey. I was a Flight Engineer flying geographical bachelors, parts, engines, reservists, and squadrons all over the country. Flew across the country, the Atlantic to spend two weeks flying around the Med in 1979. It was my pleasure to be the bane of MCPO Nicholson's career as an ADJ flying in his prestigious recip world. Great memories with great reservists.
Bill Carlson, e-mail, 05.01.2013 01:24
I want to know if it was the C 118 that I either flew on to Iceland in late 1953 or to Preswick, Scotland in Jan. 1956 and the seats were facing the rear of the plane. Can anyone tell me about rear facing seating?
Ed Fitzpatrick, e-mail, 26.11.2012 06:35
I was a Tar Hanger 80 Nas Willow Grove in the AM Shop. We took care of the Many Station A/C plus VR-52 C-118. When my Chief (Conolly)would Let me go flying to support them I would get to sit in the FE seat. Hi Harry Last Thanks for letting me up front. Over 2000 hours. Flew all over. Most of the pilots were reserve and full time Airliners. Many had served many years Active Duty in the Navy. Many Special Ops flight. Most memorible was first to bring in supplies 1970 Hurricain Camile. Plane was packed with loose gear. What a mess. Retired USCG 36 Years.
Susan Morris Collins, e-mail, 23.09.2012 05:14
Dianne, I came just a bit after you and was assigned to the29th. Flew almost 2 yrs with them. They grounded the FTS's and I was lucky enough to get into the 18th ( one of the jet Sqdrns C-135's). I flew with them until 1965 when I got out. C-118s were kind of hairy, kept losing engines plural. They had a lot of miles on them. I liked the C-135's a lot better .Did your husband by any chance transfer into the 18th? Your last name sounds familiar.
Paul Boellner, e-mail, 18.09.2012 21:28
Just attended the reunion for VR-22 at Charleston, SC. Good to see everyone. Hey Doug we are going to have the next one at Norfolk, VA. It would be good to see you again.
paul, e-mail, 17.09.2012 16:27
I remember flying on a C-118 from NAS Jax up to NAS Norfolk in the late 70's. It was the first time I flew on a plane with aft-facing seats. I believe it was out of Atlanta which would have made it a VR-52 MAC Flight... I will never forget the wonderful sound of those engines!
gene hauber, e-mail, 27.07.2012 01:09
Mark H Page, former S/Sgt., e-mail, 16.07.2012 22:58
I served at McGuire from November 1955 to February 6. 1957 in a C-118 maintenance squadron. My afsc was in airborne navigation equipment. The Hungarian airlift was on during this time. For near 3 months we worked 6-7 days a week, sometimes double shifts. It was a difficult time, but we prevailed. Thousands of refuges were brought to new homes. One of the "battles" of the "Cold War" that we won.
Adrian Rosales, e-mail, 19.06.2012 23:45
On behalf of my father-in-law. Having helped my wife establish military funeral honors for her father I came across the following on his DD-214. Ralph "Russ" Emerson Kincaid, Jr. Graduated AFROTC 1961 San Jose State. Entered REG Air Force Actice Duty 19 April 1961 as 2/LT. Became transport pilot C-118. My understanding is that he flew cargo and troops into Viet' Nam and fallen troops back home. Looks like he had total 4 yrs. 9 mons. 28 days active with 2 yrs. 6 mos. 21 days foreign and sea service. Looks like he was honorably discharged at last duty station 48th ATS, MATS Travis Air Force Base, 23 June 1965. He was stationed at Hickam AFB during his flights. Training was Webb AFB, TX APR 61 - May 62 Undergraduate Pilot Training, Tinker AFB OK Jun 62 - Aug 62, Advance Pilot Trng (C-118), Stead AFB, NV Aug 62 - Sep 62 Survival Trng. Honorable Discharge 1965, passed away 04 June 2012, memorialized with full miltary honors, flyby and the playing of TAPS, 15 June 2012.
ATC C. (Jake) Jacobson, e-mail, 02.06.2012 19:15
I logged 3000+ hours as a radioman on the C-118 in VR-21 Barbers Pt Hawaii 1967 - 69 to start my 20 year career in the Navy. I moved on to the VP Navy in Moffett Field, CA. The C118 was a great aircraft and provided lots of thrills and chills but always found a runway at the end of a flight. Was great times.
wayne robinson, e-mail, 23.05.2012 18:02
I was an ATC in VR-21 from 1968 to 1972. Was in Quality Assurance for a time and got to fly on A/C coming out of Check. Loved that C-118 and those four R-2800's. Before coming to VR-21 I had been in a VP outfit at Whidbey Island and made a few trips to Nam in one of 21's C-118's.A great and very reliable aircraft.
Stan Pedersen, e-mail, 24.01.2012 22:46
Was aircrew with VR-21, Barbers Pt. Jul 62 till Jul 64 with 2000 flt. hrs as AT-2 1st radio. Have all my flt logs with crewmembers names, etc. Flew CB's into Udorn in 8/62 then on to Bangkok. LCDR Wilkerson was A/C, Most flt's were westpac.
Lew Ross, e-mail, 19.01.2012 02:05
I flew out of Chu Lai South Vietnam in June 1966 on a Navy DC-6. I guess it was known as a C-118. We went to Cubi Point then back to Chu Lai. Then to Atsuki, Midway/Guam or somewhere in the middle of the night and then on to Barbers Point. After a few there, we flew to Alameda, CA. I do not know the squadron name or number of who brought me home. I would appreciate knowing who it was. Thank you very much for any assistance. Lew Ross
Robert Atwell, e-mail, 06.01.2012 06:25
I started on C-118s out of McGuire as a FTS and went to Hamilton to fly C-121/C-47/T-29/C131s. Later back to Hickam and flew C-118s (3305) and on to Andrews to C-9s/C-140/VC 135s/Vc137s on to Offutt on E-4A. Finally retired as F/SGT. At McGuire I was in the 30th ATS.
Robert C Atwell, e-mail, 07.11.2011 07:12
Flew as a FTS on C-118s out of McGuire on all routes and flew C-118 from 63-70 (To include SEA). Ended up with about 7,000 on it. Last flight was out of Hickam on 3305. First Sgt in 30th 1964 was M/sgt Lopez. Went to FTS school Tinker with Fred Mattingly.Two other FTS Fran Guras/Eddie Wawru. Lost a lot of engines on the C-118.
mike donavon, e-mail, 04.11.2011 02:53
I worked on the C-118A's, at Wiesbanden Air Base, from late 1968, until they were transferred (think in 1970 or so). Was in the Instrument shop. The comment about "low BMEP was correct"! All of the instrument systems were "bears". The fuel quantity indicating system would work two men and a boy to death! :-) Overall, a great airplane - loved those R-2800's!
Mitch Allen, e-mail, 04.11.2011 02:22
I was honored to fly the C-118A out of Andrews AFB from 1972 to 1975. In 1975, the USAF went pure jet. I remember the old guys telling me about the great flight, they performed with Round Engines in 1948 and after. But after the T-38, I perfer jets. I feel that the real thrill of the Round Engines was in the exploration of flight. After 20,000 hours of flying, I thank all of those Real Airman of the Round Engines. Retired Captain Mitch Allen
Mary Vernoy, e-mail, 19.10.2011 20:46
As an AT3, I flew as a FCFCO (Flight Communications Operator) in VR 54 out of NAS New Orleans in the early 1970's (one of the few female Aircrew). Loved it!
ADCS Patrick Mc Closkey, e-mail, 07.10.2011 22:26
John mahoney, e-mail, 25.09.2011 19:39
I worked on the DC-6/C-118 for Trans Continental Airlines at Willow Run Airport; Trans Air Link at Opa Locka Airport and Challenge Air Transport in Miami. It was a wonderful freightliner for hops around 500 miles radius. I went to Alaska with TCA in 1980 and flew salmon back to the cannery in Kenai. The airframe never let us down. I was blessed to have wrenched on this type from 1978-1983. I still have fond memories of the DC-6.
Charles Dickerson, e-mail, 03.08.2011 04:15
I was stationed at Floyd Bennett Field, NAS New York from 1964-1968. I flew as a flt/eng in and out of Viet Nam 67-68.I am having trouble getting my fight records. I would like to know if anyone else is having this problem? If you or anyone you know has pictures or flew with me I would appreciate you passing them along. Those were the good days and great people.
Waldo A Molina, e-mail, 01.07.2011 21:04
Flt.Eng.PAA Atlantic & Pacific. R-2800 a reliable engine. In cold and hot climates. Cruise Control a very important part of Flt. Eng.duties. wam
Floyd W. Smith, e-mail, 24.05.2011 09:00
I was attached to VR-21 as an ADR3 Mech. from 10/1962 to 10/1964. Worked 2nd shifr LINE TROUBLE SHOOTING crew. Earl Wigham was section leader. Ace Johnson was CO. Had preflight and engine runup quals. Many fond memories of those times. Would like to contact former squadrons members.
sally adams, e-mail, 21.05.2011 22:53
hey Dianne, I think you married my boyfriend, Gary Weitzel.. We broke up when I called it off, I suddenly realized I didn't really know him, most of our "going together" was through letters. There wasn't that "best friend" thing going on. He was a great guy, really cute.
Russ Colombo, e-mail, 21.05.2011 17:32
After a 43-year career as Professional Flight Engineer with American Airlines, (America's Leading Airline; Something Special In The Air; The On-Time Machine), I look back with a genuine fondness towards my time on the DC-6, 6B, and 7. Before the turbines took over, these aircraft were honest machines that lent themselves easily to logic and common sense but still retained a facility to forgive those lacking such virtues. The less forgiving turbine age, of course, required on board computers to fill that gap...(sigh).
Nick Messina, e-mail, 12.05.2011 02:53
I was attached to VR-3 NAS Moffett Field, CA, and McGuire AFB, NJ. from 1956 to 1958. This was the best Navy duty I had and would be interested in hearing from anyone that was also serving at the same place and time. We had a fleet of R6D's based at hangar 3 at Moffett.
ken miller,USAF,class61E, e-mail, 06.05.2011 17:06
As Dave Stockbridge above, I also was in the 29ATS (McGurire) and also the 48TH ATS (Hickam) flying the C-118. The C-118 had a very reliable engine, R-2800 and when the squadron closed down, I was transferred to Hill flying the C-124 with the R-4360 (a rougher running engine). I had an engine quit climbing out of Pago-Pago on a hot day on the equator in the C-124 at max gross at a crosswind only runway with no tower and it took all my skills (the few skills that I had) to get it back on the ground safely! I flew for United for 29years with 10 years on the B-747. I now live in Reno after 42 years of flying!
Lynn H Hackett, e-mail, 15.04.2011 21:05
I was 10 years old in January 1960 when my family and I flew from McGuire AFB to somewhere in Newfoundland, then to Prestwick, then to Mildenhall. A staff car took us from there to Alconbury AFB, where we arrived at Headquarters in what seemed to me to have been the middle of the night. There was no housing for us, so we moved into two barely heated rooms in an English hotel in Huntingdon and lived there for six weeks. Just as in Mark's note above, in Newfoundland the snow towered above us. Us kids found that pretty cool, but mother was 5 months pregnant and had her hands full with me, my 11 year old brother, and my six year old sister (we were of course bored by the long flight). Mother has always remembered a young Navy officer giving her a glass of juice, with the comment, "Compliments of the US Navy." Our Dad, who had been a squadron commander with the Eighth Air Force in WWII, and a POW at Stalag Luft III, took it all in stride. I always wondered what aircraft we had taken to England (I recalled props and backward seats) until I met a retired USAF flight mechanic who told me that likely we were in a C-118.
Marvin Webb, e-mail, 06.03.2011 05:28
My only flight(Jan 1959) in a C-118A was scheduled McQuire-Harmon-Prestwick-Frankfurt. It did not turn out that way. We took off and lost an engine and circled back to McQuire for repairs, then took off again with an engine "cowl? left off, and returned again to replace the cowl. We flew to Harmon(and spent the night awaiting repairs on the same engine, then we flew close to Prestwick(fogged in) and so were diverted to the Azores for re-fueling(I think for the plane and the passngrs). Then we finally flew to Frankfurt. It was a horrible smelly airplane by that time with full toilets and dirty diapers. What a memory!
Vern Baisden, e-mail, 01.03.2011 22:04
Only flew the DC-6B once. As co-pilot on first leg, then Captains seat on second leg. Having flown the same engines in Cv-340 and 440, The thing that made flying this airplane so easy was the flight engineer. Just call METO and it happens, climb and cruise power the same way. It was an easy airplane to fly. Just fly the gauges and let the flight engineer do the work. Lots of fun.
Dick Spencer, e-mail, 08.02.2011 16:27
I was in the 30th ATS at McGuire From Nov. 1960 until Feb. 1965. I left the USAF to go to work for American Airline. The 4000 hours of C-118 time made new hire school (DC-6/DC-7) with American a "piece of cake". The MATS experience was great training for an airline career. I married Nancy Darrough in 1962 who was a FTS in the 38th squadron. I remember flying with Mel Mendelson and Dianne Weitzel. I still have fond memories of Mcguire and the C-118! Would love to fly one again.
jack i was at hickam 1963-64-65 iwas aflight engineer in the 48th ats i remember acrew chief by the name arrowwood,i also remember flying with col nordyk,i left after thesquadron was deactivated in 1965, we went with 3 airplanes to clark,in 66 iwent to c141s at travis then c5s retired in 1978.the c118 was one of the greatest airplanes and a flight engineers fun time to fly.i think i remember stockbridge.
jack i was at hickam 1963-64-65 iwas aflight engineer in the 48th ats i remember acrew chief by the name arrowwood,i also remember flying with col nordyk,i left after thesquadron was deactivated in 1965, we went with 3 airplanes to clark,in 66 iwent to c141s at travis then c5s retired in 1978.the c118 was one of the greatest airplanes and a flight engineers fun time to fly.
Jack Pickard, e-mail, 21.01.2011 07:26
Just looked at comment by H. Alan Davis. I was @Hickam AFB from 1962 to 64 as a crew chief on C-118s tgat you flew. We had a fine group of flight crews and I always were treated good. The one colonel I remember was Colonel Nordike. He was tough but fair. I still love my time at HAFB. I never had an abort or lost engine.the R-2800 was a good engine
Michael Baker, e-mail, 12.01.2011 00:02
A loadmaster in the c-118 out of Barbers Point from 67 to 68. The pineapple express was a good time. Remember those wes pac adventures starting inQuam and then to Japan and on to Nam,Phillipins,Thailand. What great crew rests we used to have. Have the same problem looking for people to document our time for Disability. HELP
CDR Jim Glendenning, e-mail, 02.01.2011 21:01
Flew the C-118 in the Navy Reserves at Los Alamitos (1968-71) Then at NAS Whidbey (1972-75). I was always single engine (A-1, TV-2, T-28) while on active duty. Learning the ropes of transport flying was a great experience. Two years to become TPC then trips to West Pac, the Aleutians, Europe, and many CONUS flights. The knowledge gained helped in my civilian job, flying for UAL.
We had a rash of engine failures in the 70s because the Navy had farmed out overhaul of the R-2800s to an outfit in Hondo, Texas. We were getting about 600 hours out iof them before failure. I became very good at engine failure procedures. Experienced three engine failures in a week at one point.
I was CO of VR 51 Det Whidbey (Scoochamendi Airlines)in 1975 when I retired from the Navy.
Jerry Lewis, e-mail, 14.12.2010 19:51
Jim Scherman,, 24.08.2009 I was in VR-21...I was a Aviation Electronic Tech. 1969-71 We might have flown together. I was a Radioman/Natops at the time. Joined VR-21 as an AT2 and left as an AT1
Jack Pickard, e-mail, 10.12.2010 09:50
I was a crew chief on c-118s at Hickam AFB in the 1502oms. Loved the aircraft cause she never let me down. We were set up to fly dependence and military. Our air craft had full gallies with 2 bathrooms. Still love this aircraft. I was at Hickam 1962 to 1964
Steve Cotton, e-mail, 08.12.2010 21:07
I was stationed at NAS Los Alamitos from 1968 thru 1969 with Aircrew training division. Was C-118 loadmaster and Flight communications operator until transferred to the C-188 simulator school at NAS Glenview in 1970 under Commander Henry Putek and TDCS Ben Lauretta. Went thru flight engineer training and spent hundreds of hours flying the C-118 simulator which was an excellent trainer. While at NAS Disneyland, as we referred to NAS Los Alamitos, I logged hundreds of $118 aircrew time including some WESTPACS supporting VR-21 out of Barbers Point. The DC-6B was a fantastic aircraft, very forgiving and we did things with that airplane that I still can't believe. One trip from Barbers Point to Los Alamitos we developed an oil leak on number 2 that completely coated the wing and that R2800 didn't miss a beat. They basically trashed the engine after we landed. So many more stories about that airplane and our crews, I'll never forget it. Check out some of the youtube clips of the Red Bull DC-6 in flight. Graet memories. Any other Los Alamitos or Glenview guys out there from late 60's early 70's??
conkle, hj, e-mail, 27.11.2010 21:18
With VR21 Nov 61 to Apr 64. In workload sched with CMDR Fogg as Maint Officer. Flew as orderly/loader and loved the C-118. I remember we put a late model 58' Ford on one and flew it to Guam for officers. The Ford got trashed by a typhon, but we never lost a C-118.
Barbara McFarland/ Wathen, e-mail, 13.11.2010 19:11
I was a Flight Traffic Spec. (Stewardess) at McGuire for the 30th ATS. Got there in summer of 1959 and left in late summer of 1960. My first flight was to Mildenhall (sp?) England. On our return, we circled out over the Atlantic and dumped our fuel as they had put jet fuel in the C-118. Was a first flight experience not to be forgotten. Love seeing other folks here and their comments on being at McGuire AFB. We Waf personell have a difficult time staying in touch as all of us undoubtedly married and lost contact.
Joe Lewand, e-mail, 06.11.2010 07:10
I was stationed at Andrews AFB 75-78 as Avn Ops Chief and doubled as a steward for CMC on the VC-118. It was a great VIP acft and very durable. Ours had are own full galley and crew compartment and VIP qtrs for General's. We also had Covair 440 equipped the same way. Both were a lot of fun.
Dave Stockbridge, e-mail, 25.10.2010 07:22
Flew the C-118 in the 29th ATS at McGuire AFB 1958-1964,then Hickam AFB in the 48th ATS, then PACAF SAM sqdn on CINCUSARPAC SAM TRIPLE THREE O FIVE. Finished career at McClellan AFB 1969 with over 9000 hours in this great aircraft. Loved every minute, no problems. Had some happy hours with H Alan Davis. Would like to touch base, Hugh.
Don Jaynes, e-mail, 21.10.2010 06:07
i was station at mcguire afb from 1957-1960 and i was a aircraft electrican and i worked on the c-118 and have a lot of good memories from those days.a bunch of us from mcguire have a reuion every year at mrytle beach,sc in april and talk about the good times we had there !!
Stanley Spiro, e-mail, 14.09.2010 04:25
I flew as radioman/aviation electronics technician for VR-832, a C-118 reserve squadron stationed at Floyd Bennett field in Brooklyn, NY. In 1965 and 1966 our two weeks of active duty involved transporting cargo and personnel into Vietnam. The military has unfortunately lost all records of crew members on those flights which makes it nearly impossible to file disability claims based on past Vietnam service. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Wayne G. Lawson, e-mail, 09.09.2010 20:58
I started working on C-118's in October 1973 at VR-54 Atlanta, and started flying in 1975, I believe, as a Flight Attendant. Later I qualified as a Flight Engineer and was an instructor at the C-118 Flight Simulator School at NAS Glenview, Il from mid 1979 to late 1981 when I was transferred back to VR-46 Atlanta where I flew until they were replaced by the DC-9's. I sure wish I had some in-flight video of these things--sure miss them. A magic carpet.
Gene Hauber, e-mail, 04.09.2010 05:09
I flew four yrs as flt mech with VR1 out of Pax River, Md from 62-66, then again in VR24 in Rota, Spain, 68-72. Got to see a good part of the world and loved every minute of it. It was a flight engineer's dream and very forgiving, almost lovable.
Harry Wismer, e-mail, 15.07.2010 22:53
Flew engineer from 61-76 retired out of VR-52,Nas Willow Grove.Great aircraft,a real workhorse,plus it saved my life many times.
Harry Mitchell, e-mail, 02.07.2010 01:55
Did they ever fix the corrosion problem on the main spar caps?
Paul Boellner, e-mail, 18.05.2010 17:12
I was a radio operator in VR-22 1958-1960. Many trips to Port Lyauty and Naples. Great trip to Christchurch New Zealand. Many good memories. VR-22 is having a reunion in Mertle Beach SC in October.
Dennis Baxendale, e-mail, 05.05.2010 06:44
Canadian Pacific Airlines flew 4 DC6B's from Vancouver, British Columbia Canada in the late 50's to Amsterdam, Buenos Aires/Argentina, Sydney/Australia,and Hong Kong/China. Long, long trips but great layovers as the old 6 didn't come back for a week to pick us up. I can't remember an engine failure during my time on the aircraft. Landing at Shemya and Cold Bay under G.C.A. approach plus going through the thunderstorms with no radar were the main challenges. God bless the old bird
Doug Hendrickson, e-mail, 04.05.2010 21:51
I was a flight traffic spec. in VR-22 from 1959 thru 1962 logged in about 3800 hours in the C-118s A lot of found memories.
Larry Wittmayer, ISC,USN Ret., e-mail, 22.04.2010 21:25
I was a passenger on COMUSTDC R6D in 1977 that crashed on takeoff at Chung Shan AB Taiwan. Crew did fantastic getting us out of the aircraft. Nose gear strut collapsed. I took the only pictures of the aircraft after crash. Would be glad to hear from anyone who is aware of this.
Shannon Fuhrmann, e-mail, 17.04.2010 22:54
I hope someone can answer this for me. I have a friend that is working on restoring a C-118 here at McGuire and was wondering what the armature on the underside of the engine cowling is? It looks like some type of exhaust outlet & I wasn't sure of its purpose.
Also does anyone know where my friend can get some type of technical data on this airframe?
Bill Taylor, e-mail, 21.03.2010 19:57
Was stationed with VR-21 at NAS Barbers Pt. HI from 1972 until 1977. I was a inflight radio operator and a avionics tech on the C-118 until I was moved to the C-130. Periscope Sextants and LORAN ALPHA, it's a wonder we could always manage to find Wake Island during a rain storm in the middle of the night. "Fill the oil, check the gas!" Looking for fellow aircrewmen who can document operations into Viet Nam (Tan Son Nhut, Da Nang)for a disability claim. Old flight orders listing crew mmebers which inclued my name - William Taylor - would be most helpful.
H Alan Davis, e-mail, 18.03.2010 02:42
I read Ron Stout's comments about the DC-6B. I flew them for years (1957-Dec 1992) He is right about the swing-tails. There were two which were converted in Finland. I flew one out of Miami with Trans-Air-Link and it was later sold to Northern Air Cargo in Anchorage. I also read Tom (T.P.) O Connor's comments. I don't know what the record is from Tachikawa to Honolulu in a DC-6, but on one winter night with a light pax load out of Tachikawa, we climbed to 21,000 and for the first 3 hours we were going so fast that our navigator had difficulty keeping up with the aircraft. I can't remember just how strong the tailwind was but I believe about 180K initially. Everything in the cockpit was shaking. It took us ten hours and five minutes from Tachi to HNL.
David Witt ADC(Ret) 87, e-mail, 18.03.2010 00:41
While stationed at NAS Barbers Pt. HI. 1965 I lived in the barracks across from VR-21. Late night mag checks used to drive me crazy, no sleeping until early morning with those 2800's roaring out there. Loved the A/C though, many flights on them as a pass.
H Alan Davis, e-mail, 14.03.2010 22:26
H Alan Davis,, 14.03.2010 I first flew the C-118 at McGuire AFB in 1957. Transferred to Hickam AFB, HA in 1962 where I flew the C-118 for over 3 years and continued to fly C-118s until leaving Wiesbaden, Germany in Nov 1970. Flew the DC-6 out of Miami with Rich International and later Tran Air Link in both passenger and cargo flights. I also flew the DC-6 on contract with Northern Air Cargo in Alaska. Forced to retire in Dec 1992 by FAA after reaching 60 years of age with 24,000 flying hours and over 20,000 hours in C-118s, R6-Ds,or DC-6 A&B all accident free hours. Douglas built a great airplane although
Dick Culbertson, e-mail, 12.03.2010 01:40
I got into R6Ds (DC6/C118) in VR 6 at Westover AFB in mid 1951. Next tour in R6Ds was VR-21, NAS Barbers PT. Then off to VR-22 at NAS Norfolk. Last flown at NARTU Jax in 1969. The bird was a Cadillac! I was a flight examiner (check pilot). I ended up with 6,000 plus hours. Used to do FCLP landings at NAAS Fentress in late 50s. What great fun!
Richard Coca, e-mail, 15.02.2010 15:49
I worked on the aeroevac C-118a and C-131A off/on at Scott AFB IL from April 1966 thru 1972. First time I flew the 118 we had to come in on emergency due to the right gear door control rod breaking off and sticking through the gear door. The C-118 required a lot of maintenace to keep them flying the biggest problems were broken exhaust stacks, pork chops, low BMEP and they had to be washed every time they flew.
James Garland, e-mail, 14.02.2010 15:17
Around 25 years ago I worked for a company called JET WAY in Ypsilanti Michigan.We had some Lear jets and DC-6s.I was sent to Pontiac Michigan to pull 4 engines off an old DC-6 that had been flying down in the Caribbean.The plane didn't even have heaters on it as they were remove. The planes Data plate said DC-6 ship # 1.We were scraping it out.I pulled the tin off the outboard #3 Eng,grabbed the main oil to pull my self up on the maintenance stand and the oil line broke.It was so rotten.All the fuel and oil lines were rotten.The plane had just landed less than 2 hrs ago.God must have been watching out for that crew.
Louis Snyder, e-mail, 12.02.2010 01:07
I was in the AF and a Mechanical Assessories Repairman stationed at McGuire from 1961 to 1964 and worked on C-118's, A/C , Pressurization, Oxygen, Heating, systems. Went on the the C-135 then the C-141, was and E-4
Johnny Perez, e-mail, 08.02.2010 14:25
I was an AirCrew Man on the C-118 at Naval Station Keflavic,Iceland from 1980-1984. It was the best four year tour I spent in the Navy. I enjoyed going to Europe ( England, Scotland, Spain, Italy, etc) we flew bachk to the states alot also.
Max T. Hansen, e-mail, 01.02.2010 05:28
Made one of the first C-118 flights from Mc Guire AFB to Thule in July 1956 . We were told that they just replaced the C-54's.Stopped for fuel at Goose Bay (I think ). My second military flight & much plusher than my first ,a B-25 hop out of Chanute Field .Worked & flew on a lot of Douglas products . Always made it .
Jim Dodds, e-mail, 29.01.2010 04:57
Was A & P mech on them at American Airlines 1957 till they where gone as the B-707 came on line.
Marty Hall, e-mail, 21.01.2010 06:03
We have 10 DC-6/C-118's flying in Alaska and will have as long as there's 100LL available. Good plane. We have 4 hauling fuel and the rest as scheduled air carriers flying from Fairbanks and Anchorage. We've just started the process of putting DC-9's on our certificate but have no intention of getting rid of our DC-6's and C46's. The round engine still has a home in Alaska.
Ron Stout, e-mail, 16.01.2010 20:32
When I started work at Western Airlines(April 1,1955)the DC-6B was the queen of the fleet.I was told that if I ever dented one to just clock out and keep on going.They were a terrific plane to ride in with 66 first class seat and a four person lounge in the rear.A dream to load and unlaod compared to evey othe plane and reliable as hell.Two of Western's were later converted to swing tail cargo types in Finland and one was still at Northern Air Cargo in Alaska as late as 2001.
Jim McKinney, e-mail, 10.01.2010 01:38
I flew on two DC-6's in the summer of 1960. I was thirteen years old. The first was a Mexicana flight from Monterey, Mexico to Mexico City. I remember it having sleeper births that folded up into the ceiling. The second flight was a Aeronavis (now Aeromexico) flight from Mexico City to Juarez, Mexico with stops in Toreon and Chihuahua. I found that if you sit in the back of a DC-6, it is a fairly quiet plane. Seats were nice and wide and comfortable, unlike the cramped seats on todays jets.
sam n. rhodes adr1, e-mail, 09.01.2010 03:57
I was attached to VR-53 Memphis tn and started to fly the C-118 in 1978 I was the first flight engineer in the squadron to complete 1000 hours, 2000 hours, 3000 hours and complete over 7000 hours in this bird. Loved every minute of it. I went on to fly the DC-9 with VR-60 with over 2300 hours. I retired from northwest with over 27000 hours (no accidents)
Wayne "Fish" Salmon, e-mail, 27.12.2009 20:10
I flew in the C-118 for 3800 hours as a flight navigator. We had no GPS to do the work for us, it was navigation on the order of what was done in WWII and Korea. I was fortunate to have command of VR-51 at NAS Glenview for one tour. One particular flight in the C-118 sticks out in my mind. In the "118," just before you entered the cockpit, there was a series of "eyebrow" gauges that registered the engine oil quantity. We were on a Viet Nam flight and I was navigating after our departure from NAS Barber's Point. I was in the process of seeing how the pilots were doing when I noticed that #3 engine oil quantity gauge was reading almost zero, while the others were full. I was just in the process of going forwad, and telling the pilots about the oil quantity gauge, when "all hell broke loose" in the cockpit. A heading for Barber's was asked for immeadiatly. About 20 minutes of flight after the problem was identified, and dealt with, it was obvious that we didn't have enough engine oil to reach land. We were in "deep do-do." It was obvious that our only hope was Johnston Island. For those of you that aren't familiar with Johnston, it was then a top secret AF base that was not used by all military flights. We found UHF and ADF frequencies andquickly in the enroute supplement and headed towards Johnston. When we finally established com with the tower, we said that we had a problem and needed clearance to land. The reply was simple, "declare a mayday" or don't land. That was an easy question to answer, and shortly after that we landed. After turning off the duty runway, and shutting the remaining 3 engines down, the first person on the airplane was a full bird colonel, who said, "Welcome to Johnston Island, you're under arrest." We had just landed at a super secret AF base that was in the middle of a security excercise!! When the CO figured out that we really had a problem, things quited down considerably The problem was quickly diagnosed as all four engines not having the oil cooler screen nut not properly torqued down when a 50 hr. oil cooler screen check had been performed at Barber's Point. After filling up the oil tanks on all four engines, and properly securing the retaining nuts, we took off for Wake Island as the first stop on the remainder of our Viet Nam flight. The day after I returned home, I was back in my classroom where I taught 9th grade biology. Such flights really gave you a different perspective on life.
Tom[ T.P.] Oconnor, e-mail, 27.12.2009 08:47
I flew the C-118 21 years.VR-21 july 1962 to july 1966.Reserve Olathe-Memphis-Glenview July 1966 to Dec 1983.I was CO of VR-51[Glenview-Whidby Is.]1982-1983.I retired in 1986 with 10000 hours in the C-118.I hold alt.record[29000ft.]speed record[400kts.]with tail wind!What a neat aircraft!
Fred Gharis, e-mail, 07.12.2009 21:38
Flew the old C-118 from March 1965 to May 1968. AT1 radioman. Was on aircraft that crashed on takeoff at Barber's Point. Don't remember exactly when it occurred or which BUNO it was.We were taking off on a west pac with half cargo and half passengers. Nobody was hurt. Tried to take off with full flaps.
John Smith, e-mail, 14.11.2009 02:54
I was in VR-21 Barbers Point 1963-1965. I was a loadmaster on our C-118B's.
Capt. Johnson was my squadron CO and replaced by Capt. Westerlund.
The "Pineapple Airlines were slow but very dependable"
Found memories of that time.
Jim Scherman, e-mail, 24.08.2009 23:53
I was in VR-21...I was a Aviation Electronic Tech. 1969-71
David Dyar, e-mail, 20.08.2009 19:49
flew as load master on c118B with vr21 at barbers point naval air station in hawaii we flew all over incuding flights from cubi and sangley point phillipines into vietnam we carried all type of supplies and sea bees into vietnam
Steve, e-mail, 12.08.2009 18:41
20-odd years ago, I was near Pangborn Airport (Wenatchee, WA) watching what I think were DC-6s converted to water bombers take off to fight a fire. I noticed that some of them appeared to head straight out, while others gained altitude circling the airport. I mentioned this to an old ANG pilot that I worked with, and he laughed that I was seeing the difference between ex-fighter jocks ("OK - Let's go!") and ex-transport drivers ("Let's stick close to the field in case we blow an engine on the climb!")
Jim Eells, e-mail, 30.07.2009 20:23
Was in VR-21 from 72-76. Flew in 118Bs all over WestPac. Cubi to Danang shuttle. Flew CINCPACFLT around, great time of my life, great squadron with alot of great officers and enlisted attached.
Susan Morris-Collins, e-mail, 25.05.2009 20:42
I flew in the 29th at McGuire AFB in early 62 and then transferred to the 18th C-135 and was much happier! I must have been a jonah as we were wracking up lost engines left and right no pun intended.
Mark, e-mail, 28.04.2009 00:13
Hey Mel Mendelsohn,
You may have been my pilot on my first overseas trip. If you were, thanks for a job well done. Other than the long hours and the snow removal delay, it was a seamless journey.
Mark, e-mail, 28.04.2009 00:10
Hey Dianne Weitzel,
You may have very well been my flight attendant. Seems we were in the same place at the same time; just whether or not on the same flight. I do recall, as you mentioned, that the flight took a long time. If you were, thank you for your support.
Mark, e-mail, 28.04.2009 00:06
My first overseas deployment was via a C-118(?). First thing I noticed was that the seats were all backwards. Heard that military aircraft had it that way to protect you in case of a crash landing.
Went from McGuire, NJ. to Harmon, Newfoundland and on to Prestwick, Scotland and finally to some place in England....don't remember the airport.....possibly RAF Mildenhall. Do remember seeing many sites of the steel plate matting that was apparently used for WWII remote air strips.....they were all over the place from Prestwick to Mildenhall.
In Newfoundland we were there for half an hour or so for refueling. Snow banks were probably 20 feet high and had been plowed out with vertical sides where the aircraft had to maneuver. During the time we were there, snow piled up on the wings to the point that they had to clean the stuff off just before we took off.
Not a fun trip as I had just gotten married and had to leave home for who knows how long.
Jeff Jarvis, e-mail, 27.04.2009 07:07
I flew the DC-6 series (DC-6, 6A, 6B and former military C-118A) for about 5 years (1977-82) all over the Caribbean, Central and northern South America. They were very nice flying airplanes, some of them older than me! I got about 3200 hours in them on freight contracts for ALM Antillean Airlines, Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij, TAN Airlines of Honduras, BWIA, Guyana Airways, Surinam Airways, Air Jamaica, etc. I was young and loved every minute of it, including hitting a bird at 13,000 feet out over the Caribbean going from Tocumen, Panama to Curacao, and also watching the nightly light show from the thunderstorms over Colombia while hauling beef from Monteria, Colombia to Curacao in perfectly smooth air while the lightning flashes stopped the propellers with their stroboscopic effect. Since I grew up in the Canal Zone town of La Boca beside the bridge, I probably watched Mel Mendelsohn flying around the pattern at Howard AFB doing takeoffs and landings. I only have fond memories of those years flying the DC-6s and C-118A (DC-6A).
Dianne (Bryan)Weitzel, e-mail, 07.04.2009 19:33
I flew as a flight attendant on the C-118 out of McGuire AFB from 1959 thru 1961. Troop transport was our mission, in peace time that meant relocation of dependents as well. Our squadron,(30thATS) also regularly flew NATO VIPs in C118 with 1st Class cabin. Our galley was equipped to cook frozen dinners and breakfasts for all passengers and crew, as flight time to Europe was about 18 hours,with a refueling stop, usually Harmon, Newfoundland. My Husband,Gary Weitzel, remained in the aircraft till 1963 when he transferred into jets and later into civilian airlines.
Mel Mendelsohn, e-mail, 05.07.2008 15:40
I flew the c-118 at McGuire AFB,from March 1960 to December 1961, then flew them in Chatearoux, France from December 1961 to December 1965 as a NaATO Airborne Command Post. Flew the VC-118 at Peterson Field ColordoSprings from July 1966 to May 1969in a Special Missions outfit. Then flew the VC-118 at Howasrd AFB in Panama from November 1970 to April 1974. Great all weather airplane. Had over 6700 hours in that aaircraft.
Tony Piacentino, e-mail, 13.05.2008 23:59
As a young LT.,I flew the C-118 Navy version with VR-21 (Barbers Pt)in the early 70's. It was very capable for it's designed mission and both stable and "forgiving" to fly. Many good memories and a cast of "characters" made it a fun experience.
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