Back Weir W.3

Juan de la Cierva sitting in the Weir W.3

This single-seater was powered by an inverted 4-cylinder in-line engine and fitted with a two-bladed 'auto-dynamic' rotor. It could make a 'jump take-off': to do this, the rotor was run at overspeed in flat pitch then suddenly given sufficient positive pitch to produce the jump while the engine was declutched. The W.3 was publicly displayed at Hounslow Heath on 23rd July 1936.

P.Lambermont "Helicopters and Autogyros of the World", 1958

Weir W.3

Technical data for W.3

Number of seats: 1, engine: 1 x Weir Pixie rated 50hp, rotor diameter: 5.66m, length: 4.37m, height: 2.16m, gross weight: 295kg

Weir W.3

Brian Thorby, e-mail, 30.07.2016reply

For 3-view drawing (small scale) of Aircraft and details /spec of engine,see my book "Douglas Light Aero Engines from Kingswood to Cathcart"

Franco Bugada, e-mail, 27.09.2013reply

I would like to have a 3-view drawing of this aircraft in order to study the possibility of making a flying model replica. I would appreciate also to receive some pictures concerning the jump take-off rotor head.
Thanks in advance

Charles E. MacKay, e-mail, 15.07.2013reply

If you want more detail you should go to Flight global on line. There is an historical section and you'll find a lot there.

Бурундук, 07.08.2009reply

Пожалуйста, проверьте размеры - они не правдоподобны.

Отношение длины аппарата к диаметру винта на чертеже = 0,54, а 4,37 / 5,66 = 0,77.

Кроме того, двухлопастный винт диаметром 5,66 явно мал для автожира.

Судя по размерам пилотов, правильной является высота. Тогда длина = 4,15, диаметр НВ = 7,7м.

Brian Thorby, e-mail, 09.03.2007reply

Im gathering details of all aircraft fitted with Douglas or Weir Aero Engines ,between 1923 and 1939.
I need photos and drawings of the engine installations.
Can you suggest sources for this indormation ?

Do you have any comments ?

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