Back Kamov Ka-56


In 1971 the Kamov Design Bureau was ordered to produce the new ultralight helicopter for military service. Sergei Fomin, Deputy Chief Designer, was ordered to lead this project.

The special task for this helicopter was that it should have been transported in a cylindrical container of 500mm diameter. The reason was that the Navy wished to have an opportunity to pull the helicopter out of a submarine's torpedo tube.

Another point was that the helicopter should have been assembled for flying in 15 minutes when unpacked from a container.

Powerplant was 40hp air-cooled rotary engine which burned motor-car fuel.

The full-scaled mockup was built first in order to find better decisions in helicopter's configuration: to make it compact and easy to assemble. The next step was to build the test platform which included the real engine, rotor system, transmission and controls.

The only parts which were detachable from the helicopter for transportation were 4 main rotor blades. All other parts were easily folded. The time to assemble the helicopter was only 10 minutes.

Unfortunately Ka-56 wasn't ever flown due to a lack of suitable rotary piston engine.

TwistAir Club


Technical data for Ka-56

Crew: 1, take-off weight: 220kg, payload: 110kg, max. speed: 110kph, max. ceiling: 1700m, max. range: 120km


Comments1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120
Anonymous, 03.10.2020reply

سلام.وقت بخیر.میشه نحوه ساختشو کمک کنید.یاازکجامیشه خریدکردممنون میشم کمک کنید. جباری

Dongjin Kim, e-mail, 23.08.2020reply

investment boost

douglas, e-mail, 27.08.2010reply

Did ANYONE actually get plans for this helecopter? or was it all talk again? please let know if plans are available. thanks Doug

abdullah ayvaz, e-mail, 30.09.2010reply

bu helikopterin fiyatý ne kadar,pazarlamasýný kimler yapýyor.bu konuda bilgisi olanlar yazarlarsa memnun olurum.teþekkür ederim

RAF, 07.01.2011reply


Jaros³aw, e-mail, 17.01.2011reply

O kurwa Wonderfool

mac person, e-mail, 24.08.2011reply


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Andrew, e-mail, 09.06.2013reply

If you made this it has to fly

ChopperFan, e-mail, 11.01.2012reply

Neat minichopper thanks for sharing.

Too bad about all the spamers posting fake loan offers using your comment section. Don't they get it after all the identity theft in the last ten years no one falls for that kind of scam anymore. If someone wants a loan they find a real bank. These liars posting phishing scams requesting your personal information in an unrelated comments section are wasting their time and your comment space.

michel serre, e-mail, 12.11.2013reply

Hello , this machine looks very interesting , how does it drive ? the pictures can not be distinguished any engine , where what might look like ? . I'm interested to know a little more : marketing to individuals , rates etc... Cordialy , michel (France)

michel serre, e-mail, 12.11.2013reply

Hello , this machine looks very interesting , how does it drive ? the pictures can not be distinguished any engine , where what might look like ? . I'm interested to know a little more : marketing to individuals , rates etc... Cordialy , michel (France)

chiranji jangra, e-mail, 13.02.2012reply

i like this halicopter i watn to play this but i have no more money

kendo marun, e-mail, 28.04.2010reply

please send me plans on how to build this, hwo to make it for a 3 or 4 person seater and how to make it run on solar cells.

please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please send me instructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

irvin, e-mail, 02.03.2010reply

how much ?

heru, e-mail, 02.10.2009reply

where do i buy one of these? price? lisence?

mugu, e-mail, 10.06.2009reply

i don day hereoooooo

pankajjani, e-mail, 04.06.2009reply

i like the helicopter and near future i wll buy the same. regards

kibabiba, e-mail, 15.01.2009reply

Cool! Want to fly this

Leonardo, e-mail, 03.01.2009reply

It can also be called men killer

1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 101-120
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